24-702 Nebraska Retirement Fund for Judges; Nebraska Judges Retirement Act Expense Fund; created; use.

24-702. Nebraska Retirement Fund for Judges; Nebraska Judges Retirement Act Expense Fund; created; use.(1) There is hereby created in the state treasury a fund to be known as the Nebraska Retirement Fund for Judges which shall be administered by the board and to which shall be credited all money appropriated or transferred by law thereto. The fund is hereby appropriated and made available to the board for the uses and purposes prescribed by the provisions of the Judges Retirement Act.(2) The employer contribution to the fund shall consist of the amounts remitted pursuant to subsection (3) of section 24-703.(3) The Nebraska Judges Retirement Act Expense Fund is created. The fund shall be credited with money from the retirement system assets and income sufficient to pay the pro rata share of administrative expenses incurred as directed by the board for the proper administration of the Judges Retirement Act and necessary in connection with the administration and operation of the retirement system. SourceLaws 1955, c. 83, § 2, p. 245; Laws 1994, LB 833, § 13; Laws 2001, LB 408, § 8; Laws 2002, LB 407, § 12; Laws 2005, LB 364, § 6.