23-190 County ordinance; reading by title; suspension of requirement; adoption; vote required; revision or amendment.
23-190. County ordinance; reading by title;suspension of requirement; adoption; vote required; revision or amendment.(1) A countyordinance shall be read by title on three different days unless three-fourthsof the county board members, following the public hearing on the ordinance,vote to suspend this requirement. If such requirement is suspended, the ordinanceshall be read by title or number and then moved for final adoption. Three-fourthsof the county board members may require a reading of any such ordinance infull before adoption under either procedure set out in this section. The votesof each member shall be called aloud and recorded. To adopt any ordinance,the concurrence of a majority of the whole number of the members of the countyboard shall be required.(2) A countyordinance shall contain no subject which is not clearly expressed in the title,and no ordinance or section thereof shall be revised or amended unless thenew ordinance contains the entire ordinance or section as revised or amendedand the ordinance or section that is amended is repealed. SourceLaws 2009, LB532, § 4.