23-1827 Organ and tissue donations; preliminary investigation; access to information; release of organs or tissues; exception; presence for removal procedure.
23-1827. Organ and tissuedonations; preliminary investigation; access to information; release of organsor tissues; exception; presence for removal procedure.(1)A coroner shall conduct a preliminary investigation of a decedent within thecoroner's jurisdiction as soon as possible after notification by the hospitalin which such decedent is located or the hospital to which such decedent isbeing transported. The coroner may designate the coroner's physician or anotherphysician to conduct the preliminary investigation.(2) The preliminary investigation shall be completed withina time period that is compatible with the preservation and recovery of organsor tissues for the purpose of transplantation.(3) The coroner may request and shall have access to allnecessary information including copies of medical records, laboratory testresults, X-rays, and other diagnostic results. The information shall be providedas expeditiously as possible, through reasonable means, to permit the preliminaryinvestigation to be completed within a time period compatible with the preservationand recovery of organs or tissues for the purpose of transplantation.(4) Upon completion of the preliminary investigation, thecoroner shall release all organs or tissues which have been donated or mayyet be donated pursuant to the Revised UniformAnatomical Gift Act except those that the coroner reasonably believes containevidence of the proximate cause or means of death. If the coroner reasonablybelieves that a specific organ or tissue contains evidence of the proximatecause or means of death and the organ or tissue is otherwise subject to recoveryas a donated organ or tissue pursuant to the Revised Uniform Anatomical Gift Act, the coroneror his or her designee shall be present for the removal procedure (a) to makea final determination that allows the recovery of the organs and tissues toproceed, (b) to request a biopsy, or (c) to deny removal of such organ ortissue if the coroner determines such organ or tissue contains evidence ofthe proximate cause or means of death. After a preliminary investigation iscompleted under this section, all organs or tissues compatible for transplantation,except any organs or tissues for which the coroner has denied recovery, maybe recovered pursuant to the Revised UniformAnatomical Gift Act. SourceLaws 2008, LB246, § 3; Laws 2010, LB1036, § 25.Operative Date: January 1, 2011 Cross ReferencesRevised Uniform Anatomical Gift Act, see section 71-4824.