22-172.01 Polk.
22-172.01. Polk.The county of Polk is bounded as follows:Beginning at the southwest corner of township 13 north, range 4 west; thencenorth, and on the west line of range 4 west, to the southwest corner of thenorthwest quarter of section 19, township 14 north, range 4 west of the sixthprincipal meridian; thence north 1 degree, 46 minutes, 44 seconds west (assumedbearing), and on the west line of the northwest quarter of said section 19,2132.77 feet to the thread of stream of the south channel of the Platte River;the next 35 courses on said thread of stream; thence south 84 degrees, 28minutes, 19 seconds east, 60.66 feet; thence north 29 degrees, 30 minutes,32 seconds east, 130.51 feet; thence south 70 degrees, 11 minutes, 42 secondseast, 131.06 feet; thence north 40 degrees, 23 minutes, 29 seconds east, 27.01feet; thence north 31 degrees, 48 minutes, 41 seconds west, 130.23 feet; thencenorth 38 degrees, 43 minutes, 26 seconds east, 153.67 feet; thence south 71degrees, 56 minutes, 45 seconds east, 194.99 feet; thence north 64 degrees,11 minutes, 17 seconds east, 153.41 feet; thence north 56 degrees, 6 minutes,19 seconds east, 108.65 feet; thence north 9 degrees, 37 minutes, 55 secondseast, 60.66 feet; thence north 55 degrees, 53 minutes, 26 seconds east, 184.62feet; thence south 89 degrees, 4 minutes, 41 seconds east, 267.50 feet; thencenorth 22 degrees, 39 minutes, 9 seconds east, 124.70 feet; thence north 53degrees, 36 minutes, 57 seconds east, 149.13 feet; thence north 37 degrees,5 minutes, 51 seconds west, 124.10 feet; thence north 47 degrees, 57 minutes,2 seconds east, 65.57 feet; thence south 36 degrees, 3 minutes, 53 secondseast, 301.87 feet; thence north 46 degrees, 48 minutes, 49 seconds east, 115.81feet; thence north 4 degrees, 29 minutes, 24 seconds west, 72.26 feet; thencenorth 59 degrees, 37 minutes, 54 seconds east, 102.28 feet; thence north 6degrees, 30 minutes, 41 seconds west, 317.85 feet; thence north 37 degrees,40 minutes, 28 seconds east, 182.50 feet; thence north 31 degrees, 10 minutes,30 seconds west, 119.52 feet; thence north 52 degrees, 46 minutes, 4 secondseast, 95.33 feet; thence north 73 degrees, 10 minutes, 0 seconds east, 64.89feet; thence south 16 degrees, 50 minutes, 0 seconds east, 109.48 feet; thencesouth 80 degrees, 32 minutes, 59 seconds east, 109.60 feet; thence north 23degrees, 1 minute, 57 seconds east, 150.01 feet; thence north 56 degrees,56 minutes, 49 seconds east, 162.33 feet; thence north 2 degrees, 13 minutes,20 seconds east, 105.50 feet; thence north 55 degrees, 41 minutes, 50 secondseast, 367.42 feet; thence north 11 degrees, 8 minutes, 4 seconds east, 126.97feet; thence north 60 degrees, 16 minutes, 1 second east, 247.07 feet; thencenorth 25 degrees, 36 minutes, 31 seconds east, 486.91 feet; thence south 86degrees, 4 minutes, 13 seconds east, 477.93 feet and ending at a point thatis perpendicular to the northeast corner of said section 19; thence continuingon the county line between Polk and Merrick counties adjacent to section 17and section 8, township 14 north, range 4 west of the sixth principal meridian,Polk County, Nebraska, described as follows: Commencing at the southwest cornerof said section 17, and assuming the north line of section 19, township 14north, range 4 west to have a bearing of north 87 degrees, 50 minutes, 16seconds east; thence north 43 degrees, 19 minutes, 4 seconds west, 2576.37feet to the point of beginning; thence north 46 degrees, 40 minutes, 56 secondseast, 922.93 feet; thence north 57 degrees, 57 minutes, 4 seconds east, 777.42feet; thence north 22 degrees, 53 minutes, 36 seconds east, 341.40 feet; thencenorth 52 degrees, 26 minutes, 41 seconds east, 268.04 feet; thence north 27degrees, 48 minutes, 39 seconds east, 466.41 feet; thence north 42 degrees,10 minutes, 35 seconds east, 496.04 feet; thence north 52 degrees, 16 minutes,36 seconds east, 297.07 feet; thence north 31 degrees, 18 minutes, 19 secondseast, 243.80 feet; thence north 49 degrees, 41 minutes, 58 seconds east, 265.23feet; thence north 60 degrees, 19 minutes, 0 seconds east, 350.21 feet; thencenorth 44 degrees, 11 minutes, 59 seconds west, 543.34 feet; thence north 51degrees, 2 minutes, 28 seconds east, 2051.44 feet; thence north 32 degrees,40 minutes, 47 seconds west, 482.44 feet; thence north 42 degrees, 17 minutes,15 seconds east, 177.59 feet; thence north 8 degrees, 12 minutes, 7 secondseast, 284.77 feet; thence north 59 degrees, 57 minutes, 4 seconds east, 806.17feet; thence north 79 degrees, 30 minutes, 49 seconds east, 393.73 feet; thencesouth 66 degrees, 48 minutes, 41 seconds east, 90.99 feet; thence north 75degrees, 13 minutes, 56 seconds east, 224.90 feet; thence north 51 degrees,45 minutes, 30 seconds east, 177.92 feet; thence north 28 degrees, 41 minutes,5 seconds east, 174.26 feet to a point that is perpendicular to the northeastcorner of government lot 4 of said section 8; thence north 36 degrees, 51minutes, 23 seconds west, and perpendicular to the geographical centerlineof the Platte River, 1242.20 feet and ending at the geographical centerlineof said Platte River; thence continuing on the county line between Polk andMerrick counties adjacent to section 9, township 14 north, range 4 west ofthe sixth principal meridian, Polk County, Nebraska, described as follows:Commencing at the southwest corner of government lot 4 in said section 9,and assuming the south line of the southwest quarter of said section 9 tohave a bearing of south 89 degrees, 53 minutes, 34 seconds west; thence north0 degrees, 16 minutes, 54 seconds east, and on the west line of governmentlots 4 and 3, 1487.75 feet to the original meander line of the Platte River;thence north 35 degrees, 17 minutes, 2 seconds west, and perpendicular tothe geographical centerline of said Platte River, 2859.02 feet to the pointof beginning, said point being on said geographical centerline; thence north54 degrees, 42 minutes, 58 seconds east, and on said geographical centerline,888.27 feet; thence north 58 degrees, 11 minutes, 51 seconds east, and onsaid geographical centerline, 1487.03 feet; thence north 40 degrees, 30 minutes,0 seconds east, and on said geographical centerline, 1281.69 feet and endingat a point that is perpendicular to the northwest corner of government lot1 in said section 9; thence continuing on the county line between Polk andMerrick counties adjacent to section 4, township 14 north, range 4 west ofthe sixth principal meridian, Polk County, Nebraska, described as follows:Commencing at the southeast corner of government lot 5 in said section 4,and assuming the east line of government lots 3 and 5 in said section 4 tohave a bearing of south 0 degrees, 5 minutes, 41 seconds east; thence south89 degrees, 24 minutes, 52 seconds west, and on the south line of governmentlots 5 and 4, 3102.76 feet to a point on the original south meander line ofthe Platte River; thence north 49 degrees, 30 minutes, 0 seconds west, andperpendicular to the geographical centerline of said Platte River, 1321.25feet to the point of beginning, said point being on the geographical centerlineof said Platte River, the next 7 courses on said centerline; thence north40 degrees, 30 minutes, 0 seconds east, 348.74 feet to a three-fourths secondsrebar with cap; thence north 39 degrees, 16 minutes, 11 seconds east, 1420.98feet to a three-fourths seconds rebar with cap; thence north 38 degrees, 14minutes, 59 seconds east, 1222.76 feet to a three-fourths seconds rebar withcap; thence north 36 degrees, 4 minutes, 35 seconds east, 426.21 feet to athree-fourths seconds rebar with cap; thence north 42 degrees, 8 minutes,26 seconds east, 779.07 feet to a three-fourths seconds rebar with cap; thencenorth 44 degrees, 45 minutes, 1 second east, 505.14 feet to a three-fourthsseconds rebar with cap; thence north 42 degrees, 56 minutes, 58 seconds east,685.04 feet and ending at a point that is perpendicular to the northeast cornerof government lot 2 in said section 4; thence continuing on the county linebetween Polk and Merrick counties adjacent to section 3, township 14 north,range 4 west of the sixth principal meridian, Polk County, Nebraska, describedas follows: Commencing at the northeast corner of government lot 2 in saidsection 4, and assuming the east line of said government lot 2 to have a bearingof south 0 degrees, 5 minutes, 41 seconds east; thence north 47 degrees, 3minutes, 2 seconds west, and perpendicular to the geographical centerlineof the Platte River, 848.52 feet to the point of beginning, said point beingon said geographical centerline; thence north 42 degrees, 56 minutes, 58 secondseast, and on said geographical centerline, 750.96 feet; thence north 33 degrees,22 minutes, 23 seconds east, and on said geographical centerline, 434.94 feetand ending at a point that is perpendicular to the northwesterly corner ofgovernment lot 4 in said section 3; thence continuing on the county line betweenPolk and Merrick counties adjacent to section 34, township 15 north, range4 west of the sixth principal meridian, Polk County, Nebraska, described asfollows: Commencing at the southwest corner of the southeast quarter of section34, and assuming the south line of said southeast quarter to have a bearingof north 89 degrees, 10 minutes, 38 seconds east; thence south 88 degrees,55 minutes, 33 seconds west, 1780.73 feet to the calculated meander corner;thence north 56 degrees, 37 minutes, 37 seconds west, and perpendicular tothe geographical centerline of the Platte River, 912.40 feet to the pointof beginning; the next 13 courses on the geographical centerline of said PlatteRiver; thence north 33 degrees, 22 minutes, 23 seconds east, 148.31 feet;thence north 42 degrees, 32 minutes, 16 seconds east, 450.87 feet; thencenorth 35 degrees, 36 minutes, 3 seconds east, 461.73 feet; thence north 21degrees, 44 minutes, 33 seconds east, 652.02 feet; thence north 22 degrees,47 minutes, 50 seconds east, 723.43 feet; thence north 17 degrees, 25 minutes,48 seconds east, 480.50 feet; thence north 18 degrees, 58 minutes, 22 secondseast, 315.96 feet; thence north 28 degrees, 41 minutes, 27 seconds east, 513.70feet; thence north 10 degrees, 53 minutes, 32 seconds east, 365.66 feet; thencenorth 31 degrees, 12 minutes, 36 seconds east, 686.04 feet; thence north 29degrees, 6 minutes, 28 seconds east, 479.52 feet; thence north 11 degrees,9 minutes, 24 seconds east, 688.60 feet; thence north 35 degrees, 54 minutes,48 seconds east, 1209.26 feet and ending at a point that is perpendicularto the meander corner, the northeast corner of the northeast quarter of section34, township 15 north, range 4 west of the sixth principal meridian, PolkCounty, Nebraska; thence continuing on the county line between Polk and Merrickcounties adjacent to sections 26 and 23, township 15 north, range 4 west ofthe sixth principal meridian, Polk County, Nebraska, described as follows:Commencing at the southwest corner of the southwest quarter of section 26,and assuming the south line of said southwest quarter to have a bearing ofsouth 89 degrees, 32 minutes, 23 seconds west; thence north 53 degrees, 20minutes, 6 seconds west, 2455.61 feet to the point of beginning, said pointbeing on the geographical centerline of the Platte River; the next 14 courseson said geographical centerline; thence north 29 degrees, 1 minute, 35 secondseast, 191.87 feet; thence north 41 degrees, 18 minutes, 40 seconds east, 943.72feet; thence north 42 degrees, 12 minutes, 23 seconds east, 1208.49 feet;thence north 43 degrees, 8 minutes, 28 seconds east, 905.77 feet; thence north54 degrees, 19 minutes, 20 seconds east, 731.56 feet; thence north 57 degrees,13 minutes, 41 seconds east, 684.45 feet; thence north 56 degrees, 14 minutes,20 seconds east, 120.34 feet; thence north 53 degrees, 9 minutes, 36 secondseast, 598.24 feet; thence north 62 degrees, 7 minutes, 10 seconds east, 707.55feet; thence north 59 degrees, 58 minutes, 43 seconds east, 563.34 feet; thencenorth 49 degrees, 11 minutes, 46 seconds east, 482.37 feet; thence north 57degrees, 18 minutes, 21 seconds east, 762.06 feet; thence north 71 degrees,32 minutes, 53 seconds east, 481.69 feet; thence north 61 degrees, 27 minutes,48 seconds east, 250.65 feet and ending at a point that is perpendicular tothe northeast corner of government lot 5 of section 23, township 15 north,range 4 west of the sixth principal meridian, Polk County, Nebraska; thencecontinuing on the county line between Polk and Merrick counties adjacent tosection 24, township 15 north, range 4 west of the sixth principal meridian,Polk County, Nebraska, described as follows: Commencing at the northeast cornerof government lot 5 of section 23, township 15 north, range 4 west of thesixth principal meridian, Polk County, Nebraska, and assuming the east lineof said government lot 5 to have a bearing of south 0 degrees, 1 minute, 56seconds east; thence north 28 degrees, 32 minutes, 12 seconds west, and perpendicularto the geographical centerline of the Platte River, 1225.57 feet to the pointof beginning, said point being on said geographical centerline; the next 5courses on said geographical centerline; thence north 61 degrees, 27 minutes,48 seconds east, 759.65 feet; thence north 54 degrees, 45 minutes, 25 secondseast, 1538.51 feet; thence north 58 degrees, 5 minutes, 44 seconds east, 1675.34feet; thence north 53 degrees, 15 minutes, 23 seconds east, 1844.73 feet;thence north 46 degrees, 46 minutes, 34 seconds east, 622.22 feet and endingat a point that is perpendicular to the northeast corner of government lot1 of said section 24, township 15 north, range 4 west of the sixth principalmeridian, Polk County, Nebraska; thence continuing on the county line betweenPolk and Merrick counties adjacent to sections 17, 18, and 19, township 15north, range 3 west of the sixth principal meridian, Polk County, Nebraska,described as follows: Commencing at the northeast corner of government lot1 of section 24, township 15 north, range 4 west of the sixth principal meridian,Polk County, Nebraska, and assuming the north line of government lot 1 ofsection 17, township 15 north, range 3 west of the sixth principal meridian,Polk County, Nebraska, to have a bearing of north 56 degrees, 3 minutes, 25seconds east; thence north 43 degrees, 13 minutes, 26 seconds west, and perpendicularto the geographical centerline of the Platte River, 901.44 feet to the pointof beginning, said point being on the geographical centerline; the next 12courses on said geographical centerline; thence north 46 degrees, 46 minutes,34 seconds east, 347.92 feet; thence north 52 degrees, 38 minutes, 26 secondseast, 626.31 feet; thence north 41 degrees, 44 minutes, 8 seconds east, 334.55feet; thence north 51 degrees, 2 minutes, 44 seconds east, 972.55 feet; thencenorth 40 degrees, 15 minutes, 33 seconds east, 731.79 feet; thence north 36degrees, 26 minutes, 23 seconds east, 970.59 feet; thence north 36 degrees,32 minutes, 36 seconds east, 908.72 feet; thence north 58 degrees, 27 minutes,57 seconds east, 258.30 feet; thence north 42 degrees, 48 minutes, 50 secondseast, 367.48 feet; thence north 43 degrees, 54 minutes, 57 seconds east, 2682.73feet; thence north 41 degrees, 38 minutes, 34 seconds east, 398.76 feet; thencenorth 40 degrees, 45 minutes, 24 seconds east, 416.25 feet and ending at apoint that is perpendicular to the northeast corner of government lot 1 ofsaid section 17, township 15 north, range 3 west of the sixth principal meridian,Polk County, Nebraska; thence continuing on the county line between Polk andMerrick counties adjacent to sections 8 and 9, township 15 north, range 3west of the sixth principal meridian, Polk County, Nebraska, described asfollows: Commencing at the southwest corner of lot 5 of said section 8, andassuming the south line of said lot 5 to have a bearing of south 89 degrees,33 minutes, 8 seconds east; thence north 49 degrees, 14 minutes, 36 secondswest, and perpendicular to the geographical centerline of the Platte River,1386.78 feet to the point of beginning, said point being on the geographicalcenterline of said Platte River; the next 26 courses on said geographicalcenterline; thence north 59 degrees, 9 minutes, 30 seconds east, 435.97 feet;thence north 41 degrees, 24 minutes, 58 seconds east, 144.83 feet; thencenorth 45 degrees, 47 minutes, 4 seconds east, 298.37 feet; thence north 44degrees, 1 minute, 35 seconds east, 399.35 feet; thence north 31 degrees,41 minutes, 6 seconds east, 220.66 feet; thence north 29 degrees, 20 minutes,52 seconds east, 420.71 feet; thence north 46 degrees, 4 minutes, 0 secondseast, 343.05 feet; thence north 39 degrees, 58 minutes, 42 seconds east, 489.14feet; thence north 30 degrees, 8 minutes, 23 seconds east, 370.70 feet; thencenorth 47 degrees, 40 minutes, 21 seconds east, 243.26 feet; thence north 49degrees, 27 minutes, 19 seconds east, 381.66 feet; thence north 42 degrees,43 minutes, 37 seconds east, 193.07 feet; thence north 47 degrees, 54 minutes,34 seconds east, 171.32 feet; thence north 47 degrees, 54 minutes, 34 secondseast, 299.06 feet; thence north 54 degrees, 43 minutes, 13 seconds east, 293.59feet; thence north 47 degrees, 48 minutes, 38 seconds east, 273.99 feet; thencenorth 60 degrees, 50 minutes, 29 seconds east, 259.30 feet; thence north 43degrees, 34 minutes, 13 seconds east, 647.78 feet; thence north 43 degrees,34 minutes, 13 seconds east, 308.91 feet; thence north 33 degrees, 44 minutes,23 seconds east, 205.67 feet; thence north 42 degrees, 59 minutes, 37 secondseast, 103.53 feet; thence north 49 degrees, 59 minutes, 5 seconds east, 573.10feet; thence north 48 degrees, 3 minutes, 27 seconds east, 250.06 feet; thencenorth 55 degrees, 30 minutes, 20 seconds east, 251.45 feet; thence north 36degrees, 29 minutes, 4 seconds east, 256.44 feet; thence north 50 degrees,34 minutes, 37 seconds east, 170.89 feet and ending at a point that is perpendicularto the southwest corner of government lot 4 of section 4, township 15 north,range 3 west of the sixth principal meridian, Polk County, Nebraska; thencecontinuing on the county line between Polk and Merrick counties adjacent tosection 4, township 15 north, range 3 west of the sixth principal meridian,Polk County, Nebraska, described as follows: Commencing at the southwest cornerof lot 4 of said section 4, and assuming the south line of said lot 4 to havea bearing of south 89 degrees, 38 minutes, 18 seconds east; thence north 39degrees, 25 minutes, 23 seconds west, and perpendicular to the geographicalcenterline of the Platte River, 1662.07 feet to the point of beginning, saidpoint being on said geographical centerline; the next 7 courses on said geographicalcenterline; thence north 53 degrees, 46 minutes, 58 seconds east, 330.14 feet;thence north 58 degrees, 57 minutes, 3 seconds east, 253.55 feet; thence north44 degrees, 28 minutes, 51 seconds east, 250.91 feet; thence north 50 degrees,4 minutes, 7 seconds east, 250.02 feet; thence north 56 degrees, 38 minutes,46 seconds east, 252.04 feet; thence north 45 degrees, 40 minutes, 51 secondseast, 250.51 feet; thence north 43 degrees, 26 minutes, 50 seconds east, 286.41feet to a point on the west line of north thunderbird lake subdivision extendednorth; thence south 33 degrees, 33 minutes, 56 seconds east, and on the westline of said subdivision, 1762.06 feet to the southwest corner of said subdivision;thence north 52 degrees, 27 minutes, 34 seconds east, and on the south lineof said subdivision, 258.17 feet; thence north 50 degrees, 24 minutes, 39seconds east, and on the south line of said subdivision, 784.82 feet; thencenorth 4 degrees, 21 minutes, 44 seconds east, and on the south line of saidsubdivision, 229.01 feet; thence north 50 degrees, 51 minutes, 33 secondseast, 509.80 feet; thence north 6 degrees, 13 minutes, 43 seconds west, andon the south line of said subdivision, 284.97 feet; thence north 67 degrees,25 minutes, 50 seconds east, 902.92 feet to a point on the west right-of-wayline of said highway number 39; thence north 23 degrees, 0 minutes, 50 secondswest, and on the west right-of-way line of said highway number 39, 226.15feet; thence north 23 degrees, 41 minutes, 10 seconds west, and on the westright-of-way line of said highway number 39, 305.60 feet; thence north 33degrees, 36 minutes, 5 seconds west, and on the west right-of-way line ofsaid highway number 39, 305.56 feet; thence north 23 degrees, 14 minutes,0 seconds west, and on the west right-of-way line of said highway number 39,299.38 feet; thence north 22 degrees, 6 minutes, 20 seconds west, and on thewest right-of-way line of said highway number 39, 116.44 feet; thence north67 degrees, 53 minutes, 40 seconds east, 260.58 feet and ending at a pointon the west line of tri-lakes subdivision, said point being 56.75 feet southeastof the northwest corner of said subdivision; thence continuing on the countyline between Polk and Merrick counties in section 3, township 15 north, range3 west of the sixth principal meridian, Polk County, Nebraska, described asfollows: Beginning at a point on the west line of tri-lakes subdivision, saidpoint being 56.75 feet southeast of the northwest corner of said subdivision,and assuming the west line of said subdivision to have a bearing of south22 degrees, 58 minutes, 33 seconds east; thence north 67 degrees, 53 minutes,40 seconds east, 2957.56 feet to a point on an agreed upon boundary line;thence south 26 degrees, 56 minutes, 23 seconds east, and on said agreed uponboundary line, 1196.15 feet; thence north 87 degrees, 51 minutes, 49 secondseast, 1981.62 feet to a point on the thread of stream of the south channelof the Platte River; thence south 89 degrees, 37 minutes, 0 seconds east,and on said thread of stream, 624.91 feet and ending at the east line of saidsection 3; thence continuing on the county line between Polk and Merrick countiesin section 2, township 15 north, range 3 west of the sixth principal meridian,Polk County, Nebraska, and in sections 30 and 31, township 16 north, range2 west of the sixth principal meridian, Polk County, Nebraska, and in sections35 and 36, township 16 north, range 3 west of the sixth principal meridian,Polk County, Nebraska, described as follows: Commencing at a point on thewest line of tri-lakes subdivision, said point being 56.75 feet southeastof the northwest corner of said subdivision, and assuming the west line ofsaid subdivision to have a bearing of south 22 degrees, 58 minutes, 33 secondseast; thence north 67 degrees, 53 minutes, 40 seconds east, 2957.56 feet toa point on an agreed upon boundary line; thence south 26 degrees, 56 minutes,23 seconds east, and on said agreed upon boundary line, 1196.15 feet; thencenorth 87 degrees, 51 minutes, 49 seconds east, 1981.62 feet to a point onthe thread of stream of the south channel of the Platte River; thence south89 degrees, 37 minutes, 0 seconds east, and on said thread of stream, 624.91feet to the point of beginning, said point being on the west line of saidsection 2; the next 13 courses on the thread of stream of the south channelof the Platte River; thence north 76 degrees, 31 minutes, 56 seconds east,1282.77 feet; thence north 64 degrees, 49 minutes, 59 seconds east, 1003.62feet; thence north 66 degrees, 16 minutes, 54 seconds east, 771.67 feet; thencenorth 64 degrees, 24 minutes, 8 seconds east, 987.84 feet; thence north 62degrees, 32 minutes, 13 seconds east, 765.60 feet; thence north 82 degrees,40 minutes, 10 seconds east, 881.63 feet; thence north 66 degrees, 25 minutes,46 seconds east, 407.59 feet; thence north 51 degrees, 51 minutes, 31 secondseast, 644.83 feet; thence north 62 degrees, 11 minutes, 14 seconds east, 438.62feet; thence north 79 degrees, 50 minutes, 8 seconds east, 1220.74 feet; thencenorth 68 degrees, 59 minutes, 38 seconds east, 1125.78 feet; thence north58 degrees, 55 minutes, 8 seconds east, 1012.63 feet; thence north 73 degrees,48 minutes, 20 seconds east, 926.49 feet to the east line of section 36, township16 north, range 3 west of the sixth principal meridian, Polk County, Nebraska;thence north on the dividing line between ranges two and three west to thesouth bank of the north channel of the Platte River; thence northeasterlyalong the south bank of said Platte River to the east line of range 1 west;thence south, and on the east line of range 1 west to the southeast cornerof township thirteen north, range one west; thence west on the south lineof township 13 north, to the point of beginning. SourceLaws 2009, LB131, § 2.