21-2202 Terms, defined.
21-2202. Terms, defined.For purposes of the Nebraska Professional Corporation Act, unless the context otherwise requires:(1) Certificate of registration or registration certificate from or by the regulating board means either a document prepared and issued by the regulating board or the electronic accessing of the regulating board's licensing records by the Secretary of State;(2) Professional corporation means a corporation which is organized under the act for the specific purpose of rendering professional service and which has as its shareholders only individuals who themselves are duly licensed or otherwise legally authorized within this state to render the same professional service as the corporation;(3) Professional service means any type of personal service to the public which requires as a condition precedent to the rendering of such service the obtaining of a license or other legal authorization and which, except for the services of a real estate broker, prior to the passage of the act and by reason of law could not be performed by a corporation, including, but not limited to, personal services rendered by a certified public accountant, public accountant, dentist, osteopathic physician, physician and surgeon, veterinarian, real estate broker, associate real estate broker, real estate salesperson, or attorney at law. For purposes of the act, those professions pertaining to the diagnosis, care, and treatment of humans shall be considered to be of the same profession; and(4) Regulating board means a board which is charged with the licensing and regulating of the practice or profession which the professional corporation is organized to render. SourceLaws 1969, c. 121, § 2, p. 555; Laws 1980, LB 893, § 1; Laws 1989, LB 342, § 1; Laws 1995, LB 406, § 2.