75-10-631. CERCLA cost recovery account.

     75-10-631. CERCLA cost recovery account. (1) There is a CERCLA cost recovery special revenue account in the state special revenue fund established in 17-2-102.
     (2) There must be deposited in the CERCLA cost recovery account amounts obtained by the department through cost recovery under CERCLA for costs paid, in whole or in part, with the proceeds of CERCLA bonds authorized in 75-10-623, together with interest on the proceeds.
     (3) (a) Money in the CERCLA cost recovery account must be transferred to the CERCLA match debt service fund in each fiscal year in an amount then available, but not to exceed the amount necessary to pay the principal of, premium, if any, and interest on the bonds and notes issued pursuant to 75-10-623 to become due in the next fiscal year, or as appropriate, to pay the redemption price of the bonds or notes.
     (b) Money in the CERCLA cost recovery account, including interest on the money in the account, that is not transferred to the CERCLA match debt service fund must be retained in the CERCLA cost recovery account as long as any principal of, premium, if any, or interest on the CERCLA bonds or notes authorized in 75-10-623, the proceeds of which were applied, in whole or in part, to costs associated with the cost recovery, remains unpaid or the payment of the costs associated with cost recovery has not been provided for in a manner that would cause the defeasance of bonds.

     History: En. Sec. 5, Ch. 496, L. 2003.