7-34-101. Ambulance services authorized.

     7-34-101. Ambulance services authorized. A county, city, or town, acting through its governing body, may establish and maintain an ambulance service for such county, city, or town. Any county, city, or town may contract with any county, city, or town to establish and maintain a joint ambulance service and to share the costs, such costs to be apportioned according to the benefits to accrue, with the proportion to be paid by each to be fixed in advance by joint resolution by the respective governing bodies, if the governing body has received a petition signed by 15% of the electors registered to vote in the county, city, or town at the last preceding general election or in each of the counties, cities, or towns wherein a joint ambulance service is being established.

     History: En. Sec. 1, Ch. 238, L. 1961; amd. Sec. 1, Ch. 162, L. 1967; R.C.M. 1947, 69-3601(part).