69-8-503. Transition costs financing.

     69-8-503. Transition costs financing. (1) A utility may apply to the commission for a determination that certain transition costs may be recovered through the issuance of transition bonds. If transition bonds are issued, cost savings associated with and resulting from the bonds must benefit customers. After the issuance of a financing order, the utility retains sole discretion regarding whether to sell, assign, or otherwise transfer or pledge transition property or to cause the transition bonds to be issued, including the right to defer or postpone the sale, assignment, transfer, pledge, or issuance. If transition bonds are not issued within 4 years of the issuance of the financing order, the financing order must terminate. The utility may apply for an extension or renewal of a financing order.
     (2) (a) The commission may issue financing orders in accordance with this section to facilitate the recovery, reimbursement, financing, or refinancing of transition costs and the acquisition of transition property. A financing order may be adopted only upon the application of a utility and may become effective in accordance with its terms only after the utility files with the commission the utility's written consent to all terms and conditions of the financing order. A financing order may specify how amounts collected from a customer are allocated between fixed transition amounts and other charges.
     (b) A financing order must include, without limitation, a procedure for the expeditious approval by the commission of periodic adjustments to nonbypassable rates and charges associated with fixed transition amounts included in the order to ensure recovery of all transition costs and the costs of capital associated with the proposed recovery, reimbursement, financing, or refinancing of transition costs and the acquisition of transition property, including the costs of issuing, servicing, and retiring the transition bonds contemplated by the financing order. The order must set forth the term over which the transition bonds are to be paid, but those terms may not exceed 20 years. These adjustments may not impose fixed transition amounts upon customer classes that were not subject to the fixed transition amounts in the pertinent financing order.
     (3) (a) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, and except as otherwise provided in this section with respect to transition property that has been made the basis for the issuance of transition bonds and upon the issuance of transition bonds, the financing orders and the fixed transition amounts must be irrevocable.
     (b) If transition bonds have been issued, the commission may not by rescinding, altering, or amending the financing order or otherwise:
     (i) revalue or revise for ratemaking purposes the transition costs or the costs of recovering, reimbursing, financing, or refinancing the transition costs and acquiring transition property;
     (ii) determine that the fixed transition amounts or rates are unjust or unreasonable; or
     (iii) in any way reduce or impair the value of transition property either directly or indirectly by taking fixed transition amounts into account when setting other rates for the utility.
     (c) The total amount of the transition property may not be subject to reduction, impairment, postponement, or termination.
     (d) Except as otherwise provided in this section, the state pledges and agrees with the assignees and pledgees of transition property and transition bondholders that the state may not limit or alter the fixed transition amounts, transition property, financing orders, or any right under the bonds until the bonds, together with the interest on the bonds, are fully met and discharged. The board, as agent for the state, is authorized to include this pledge and undertaking for the state in these bonds.
     (e) Notwithstanding any other provision of this section, the commission shall approve those adjustments to the fixed transition amounts that may be necessary to ensure timely recovery of all transition costs that are the subject of the pertinent financing order and the costs of capital associated with the recovery, reimbursement, financing, or refinancing of transition costs and acquiring transition property including the costs of issuing, servicing, and retiring the transition bonds contemplated by the financing order. The adjustments may not impose fixed transition amounts upon customer classes that were not subject to the fixed transition amounts in the pertinent financing order.
     (4) (a) Financing orders do not constitute a debt or liability of the state or of any political subdivision of the state if issued through the board and do not constitute a pledge of the full faith and credit of the state or any of the state's political subdivisions if issued through the board. The financing orders are payable solely from the funds provided under this section. The bonds and offering documents must contain on their face a statement to the following effect:
     "This bond may not constitute an indebtedness or a loan of credit of the state of Montana or any political subdivision of the state of Montana within any constitutional or statutory provision. Neither the full faith and credit nor the taxing power of the state of Montana is pledged to the payment of the principal or interest on this bond, and neither the state of Montana nor any political subdivision of the state of Montana is obligated, directly, indirectly, or contingently, to levy or to pledge any form of taxation or to make any appropriation for the payment of this bond. This bond is a limited obligation of the issuer, payable solely out of the transition property or the proceeds of that property specifically pledged for its payment and not otherwise."
     (b) The issuance of bonds under this section may not directly, indirectly, or contingently obligate the state or any political subdivision of the state to levy or to pledge any form of taxation or to make any appropriation for bond payment.
     (5) The commission shall establish procedures for the expeditious processing of applications for financing orders, including the approval or disapproval of applications within 120 days after a utility submits a complete application. The commission shall provide in any financing order for a procedure for the expeditious approval by the commission of periodic adjustments to the fixed transition amounts that are the subject of the pertinent financing order pursuant to subsection (2). The commission shall determine on each anniversary of the issuance of the financing order and at additional intervals as may be provided for in the financing order whether the adjustments are required and shall provide for the adjustments, if required, to be approved within 60 days of each anniversary of the issuance of the financing order or of each additional interval provided for in the financing order.
     (6) Fixed transition amounts become transition property when and to the extent that a financing order authorizing the fixed transition amounts has become effective in accordance with subsection (2), and the transition property must thereafter continuously exist as property for all purposes with all of the rights and privileges of this chapter for the period and to the extent provided in the financing order or until the transition bonds are paid in full, including all principal, interest, premium, costs, and arrearages on the transition bonds.
     (7) Transition bonds may be issued upon commission approval in the pertinent financing order. Transition bonds must specify that they do not provide recourse to the credit or any assets of the utility, other than the transition property as specified in the pertinent financing order.
     (8) (a) A utility may sell, assign, or transfer all or portions of the utility's interest in transition property to an assignee. A utility or an assignee may further sell, assign, or transfer the utility's interest in that transition property to one or more assignees in connection with the issuance of transition bonds to the extent approved in the pertinent financing order.
     (b) A utility or an assignee may pledge transition property as collateral for transition bonds to the extent approved in the pertinent financing order and may provide for a security interest in the transition property as provided in this section.
     (c) Transition property may be sold, assigned, or transferred for the benefit of:
     (i) transition bondholders in connection with the exercise of remedies upon a default; or
     (ii) any person acquiring the transition property after a sale, assignment, or transfer pursuant to this section.
     (9) (a) To the extent that any interest in transition property is sold, assigned, transferred, or pledged as collateral, the commission shall authorize the utility to contract with any assignee so that the utility will, subject to the utility's rights under subsection (18):
     (i) continue to operate the utility's system and to provide service to the utility's customers;
     (ii) collect amounts in respect of the fixed transition amounts for the benefit and account of the assignee; and
     (iii) account for and remit these amounts to or for the account of the assignee.
     (b) Contracting with the assignee in accordance with the commission's authorization may not impair or negate the characterization of the sale, assignment, transfer, or pledge as a true sale, an absolute assignment or transfer, or a grant of a security interest, as applicable.
     (10) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, any provision under this section or under a financing order requiring that the commission take or refrain from taking action with respect to the subject matter of a financing order binds the commission and any successor commission or agency exercising functions similar to the commission, and the commission or any successor commission or agency may not rescind, alter, or amend that requirement in a financing order.
     (11) A pledge or any other security interest in transition property is valid, is enforceable against the pledgor and third parties, including judgment lien creditors, subject only to the rights of any third parties holding security interests in the transition property perfected in the manner described in this section, and attaches only when all of the following have taken place:
     (a) the commission has issued the financing order authorizing the fixed transition amounts included in the transition property;
     (b) value has been given by the pledgees of the transition property; and
     (c) the pledgor has signed a security agreement or other financing-related agreement covering the transition property.
     (12) (a) A valid and enforceable security interest in transition property is perfected only when it has attached and when a financing statement has been filed with the secretary of state in accordance with procedures that the secretary of state may establish. The financing statement must name the pledgor of the transition property as debtor and identify the transition property.
     (b) Any description of the transition property is sufficient if the description refers to the financing order creating the transition property.
     (c) The commission may require other filings with respect to the security interest in accordance with procedures the commission may establish, except that these filings may not affect the perfection of the security interest.
     (13) A perfected security interest in transition property is a continuously perfected security interest in all revenue and proceeds arising with respect to the transition property, whether or not the revenue or proceeds have accrued. Conflicting security interests must rank according to priority in time of perfection. Transition property constitutes property for all purposes, including for contracts securing transition bonds, whether or not the revenue and proceeds arising with respect to the transition property have accrued.
     (14) (a) Subject to the terms of the security agreement covering the transition property and the rights of any third parties holding security interests in the transition property perfected in the manner described in this section, the validity and relative priority of a security interest created under this section is not defeated or adversely affected by:
     (i) the commingling of revenue arising with respect to the transition property with other funds of the utility that is the pledgor or transferor of the transition property; or
     (ii) any security interest of any third party in a deposit account of that utility perfected under Title 30, chapter 9A, part 3, into which the revenue is deposited.
     (b) Subject to the terms of the security agreement, upon compliance with the requirements of this section, a pledgee of the transition property has a perfected security interest in all cash and deposit accounts of the utility in which revenue arising with respect to the transition property has been commingled with other funds, but the perfected security interest must be limited to an amount no greater than the amount of the revenue with respect to the transition property received by the utility within 12 months before any default under the security agreement or the institution of insolvency proceedings by or against the utility, less payments from the revenue to the pledgees during that 12-month period.
     (15) (a) If a default occurs under the security agreement covering the transition property, a pledgee of the transition property, subject to the terms of the security agreement, has all rights and remedies of a secured party upon default under Title 30, chapter 9A, part 6, and is entitled to foreclose or otherwise enforce the pledgee's security interest in the transition property, subject to the rights of any third parties holding prior security interests in the transition property perfected in the manner provided in this section.
     (b) The commission may require in the financing order creating the transition property that in the event of default by the utility in payment of revenue arising with respect to the transition property, the commission and any successor to the commission, upon the application by a pledgee or assignee of the transition property and without limiting any other remedies available to the pledgees or transferees by reason of the default shall order the sequestration and payment to the pledgee or assignee of the proceeds of the transition property. An order must remain in full force and effect notwithstanding any bankruptcy, reorganization, or other insolvency proceedings with respect to the public utility or a debtor, pledgor, or transferor of the transition property.
     (c) Any sum in excess of amounts necessary to pay principal, premium, if any, interest, costs, and arrearages on the transition bonds and other costs arising under the security agreement must be remitted to the debtor or to the pledgor as provided in the security agreement.
     (16) (a) A transfer of transition property by a utility to an assignee or by the assignee to another assignee that the parties have in the governing documentation expressly stated to be a sale or other absolute transfer in a transaction approved or authorized in a financing order must be treated as an absolute transfer of all of the transferors right, title, and interest, as in a true sale, and not as a pledge or other financing of the transition property, other than for federal and state income and franchise tax purposes.
     (b) Granting to transition bondholders a preferred right to revenue of the utility or the provision by the utility or an assignee of other credit enhancement with respect to transition bonds may not impair or negate the characterization of any transfer as a true sale, other than for federal and state income and franchise tax purposes.
     (c) Notwithstanding the provisions of this subsection (16), for state tax purposes, a transfer must be treated as a pledge or other financing unless the governing documentation of transfer specifically states that the transfer is intended to be treated otherwise. The characterization of the transfer as a true sale or other absolute transfer in the governing documentation of a transfer is not intended to prejudice the characterization of the transfer as a pledge or other financing for federal tax purposes.
     (17) A sale, assignment, or other transfer of transition property may be considered perfected as against any third person, including any judicial lien creditor, only when both of the following have taken place:
     (a) the financing order authorizing the fixed transition amounts included in the transition property has become effective in accordance with subsection (2); and
     (b) an assignment of the transition property, in writing, has been executed and delivered to the transferee.
     (18) (a) As between bona fide assignees of the same right for value without notice, the assignee first filing a financing statement with the secretary of state in accordance with procedures that the secretary of state may establish has priority. The financing statement must name the assignor of the transition property as debtor and must identify the transition property. Any description of the transition property is sufficient if the description refers to the financing order creating the transition property. The commission may require the assignor or the assignee to make other filings with respect to the transfer in accordance with procedures that the commission may establish, but these filings may not affect the perfection of the transfer.
     (b) Any successor to the utility, whether pursuant to any bankruptcy, reorganization, or other insolvency proceeding or pursuant to any merger, sale, or transfer, by operation of law or otherwise, shall perform and satisfy all obligations of the utility pursuant to this section in the same manner and to the same extent as the utility, including but not limited to collecting and paying to the assignee or pledgee, as the case may be, revenue arising with respect to the transition property sold, assigned, transferred, or pledged to secure transition bonds.
     (19) Transition property or any right, title, or interest of a utility, assignee, or pledgee described in the definition of transition property, whether before or after the issuance of a financing order, does not constitute an account or general intangibles as those terms are defined in 30-9A-102. Any right, title, or interest pertaining to a financing order, including the interest pertaining to a financing order, along with the associated transition property and any revenue, collections, claims, payments, money, or proceeds of or arising from fixed transition amounts pursuant to the financing order, may not be considered proceeds of any right, title, or interest other than in the order and the transition property arising from the order.
     (20) The lien under this section is enforceable against the pledgor and all third parties, including judicial lien creditors, subject only to the rights of any third parties holding security interests in the transition property previously perfected in the manner described in this section if value has been given by the purchasers of transition bonds. A perfected lien in transition property is a continuously perfected security interest in all revenue and proceeds arising with respect to the associated transition property, whether or not revenue has been accrued. Transition property constitutes property for the purposes of contracts securing transition bonds, whether or not the related revenue has accrued. The lien created under this section is perfected and ranks before any lien, including any judicial lien, that subsequently attaches to the transition property, to the fixed transition costs, and to the financing order and any rights created by the order or any proceeds of the order. The relative priority of a lien created under this section is not defeated or adversely affected by changes to the financing order or to the fixed transition amounts payable by any customer.
     (21) The commission shall establish and maintain a separate system of records to reflect the date and time of receipt of all filings made under this section and may provide that transfers of transition property to an assignee be filed in accordance with the same system.
     (22) Any sale, assignment, or other transfer of transition property or any pledge of transition property is exempt from any state or local sales, income, transfers, gains, receipts, or similar taxes.
     (23) The transition bonds issued under this chapter are exempt from the provisions of Title 30, chapter 10, but copies of all prospectus and disclosure documents must be deposited for public inspection with the state securities commissioner.
     (24) The granting, perfection, and priority of security interests with respect to transition property and the proceeds of transition property are governed by this section rather than by Title 30, chapter 9A.
     (25) Upon the payment in full of transition bond principal and interest, the utility shall discontinue charging and collecting the competitive transition charge associated with that portion of the utility's approved transition costs.
     (26) The commission may, by order or rule and subject to terms and conditions that it may prescribe, exempt any security or class of securities for which an application is required under this title or any public utility or class of public utility from the provisions of this title if it finds that the application of this title to the security, class of security, public utility, or class of public utility is not required by the public interest.

     History: En. Sec. 31, Ch. 505, L. 1997; amd. Sec. 151, Ch. 305, L. 1999; amd. Sec. 19, Ch. 565, L. 2003.