53-4-1115. Special revenue account.

     53-4-1115. Special revenue account. (1) There is an account in the state special revenue fund to the credit of the department for the purposes provided in subsection (2). There must be paid into the account the amounts collected under 33-2-708(3)(b). Any interest or income derived from the account must be deposited in the account.
     (2) Money in the account:
     (a) is to be used solely to cover the number of additional enrollees in the plan that exceeds the number of enrollees as of November 4, 2008, within the limits provided in 53-4-1004, 53-6-131, and this part, and to cover the costs of enrollment, including premium assistance, under 53-4-1108(1), and to pay administrative costs associated with expanded eligibility, and to establish and maintain a reserve; and
     (b) may be used only to match federal funds available under the children's health insurance program and the Montana medicaid program.
     (3) The unexpended balance of an appropriation from the account must remain in the account and may be used only for the purposes stated in subsection (2).
     (4) The special revenue account does not affect and is not exclusive of any other sources of funding for the programs described in 53-4-1104(2), including the special revenue account provided for in 53-4-1012.
     (5) If the department determines that there is insufficient funding for the purposes of subsection (2), it may reduce eligibility requirements for participants in the children's health insurance program as provided in 53-4-1004(4).

     History: En. Sec. 9, I.M. No. 155, approved Nov. 4, 2008.