44-2-506. List of missing Montana school children.

     44-2-506. List of missing Montana school children. (1) The superintendent of public instruction shall assist the missing children information program provided for in 44-2-503 in identifying and locating missing children who are enrolled in Montana public school districts in kindergarten through grade 12 by:
     (a) collecting each month a list of missing Montana school children as provided by the missing children information program provided for in 44-2-503;
     (b) distributing the list of missing school children on a monthly basis, unless the list has no change from the previous month's information, to all school districts admitting children to kindergarten through grade 12;
     (c) designing the list to include pertinent available information for identification of the missing school child, including if possible a recent photograph of the child; and
     (d) notifying the appropriate law enforcement agency and the missing children information program as soon as any additional information is obtained or contact is made with respect to a missing school child.
     (2) Each school district in Montana shall:
     (a) distribute to each school building within the district the list of missing school children provided for in subsection (1); and
     (b) notify the appropriate law enforcement agency at the earliest known contact with any child whose name appears on the list of missing school children.

     History: En. Sec. 6, Ch. 559, L. 1985.