Part 1. Hours of Labor -- Penalties and Liability for Violations Thereof
- 39-4-101. Hoisting engineers.
- 39-4-102. Drivers and attendants of motor buses.
- 39-4-103. Underground miners and smelter workers.
- 39-4-104. Strip mining.
- 39-4-105. Retail stores.
- 39-4-106. Telephone operators.
- 39-4-107. State and municipal governments, school districts, mines, mills, and smelters.
- 39-4-108. Repealed.
- 39-4-109. Cement plants and quarries.
- 39-4-110. Sugar refineries.
- 39-4-111. Restaurants.
- 39-4-112. Persons employed about public amusements.