20-9-544. District school flexibility fund levy.

     20-9-544. District school flexibility fund levy. (1) In addition to the money allocated in 20-9-542 for a district's school flexibility fund, the trustees of a school district may submit a proposition to the qualified electors of the district to approve a levy in an amount not to exceed 25% of the district's allocation in 20-9-542 to fund the school flexibility fund authorized under 20-9-543. An election called pursuant to this section must be called and conducted in the manner prescribed by this title for school elections. The ballot for a proposition must provide "FOR" and "AGAINST" provisions, stating whether the district is authorized to impose a levy of (state the dollars) dollars and (state the approximate number of mills) mills to fund the school flexibility fund in the school district. The school flexibility fund proposition is approved if a majority of those electors voting at the election approve the levy.
     (2) Money collected from the levy must be deposited in the district's school flexibility fund and spent in accordance with 20-9-543.

     History: En. Sec. 4, Ch. 237, L. 2001.