13-37-111. Investigative powers and duties -- recusal.

     13-37-111. Investigative powers and duties -- recusal. (1) Except as provided in 13-35-240, the commissioner is responsible for investigating all of the alleged violations of the election laws contained in chapter 35 of this title or this chapter and in conjunction with the county attorneys is responsible for enforcing these election laws.
     (2) The commissioner may:
     (a) investigate all statements filed pursuant to the provisions of chapter 35 of this title or this chapter and shall investigate alleged failures to file any statement or the alleged falsification of any statement filed pursuant to the provisions of chapter 35 of this title or this chapter. Upon the submission of a written complaint by any individual, the commissioner shall investigate any other alleged violation of the provisions of chapter 35 of this title, this chapter, or any rule adopted pursuant to chapter 35 of this title or this chapter.
     (b) inspect any records, accounts, or books that must be kept pursuant to the provisions of chapter 35 of this title or this chapter that are held by any political committee or candidate, as long as the inspection is made during reasonable office hours; and
     (c) administer oaths and affirmations, subpoena witnesses, compel their attendance, take evidence, and require the production of any books, papers, correspondence, memoranda, bank account statements of a political committee or candidate, or other records that are relevant or material for the purpose of conducting any investigation pursuant to the provisions of chapter 35 of this title or this chapter.
     (3) If the commissioner determines that considering a matter would give rise to the appearance of impropriety or a conflict of interest, the commissioner is recused from participating in the matter.
     (4) (a) If the commissioner is recused pursuant to this section, the commissioner shall appoint a deputy, subject to subsection (4)(b).
     (b) The deputy:
     (i) may not be an employee of the office of the commissioner;
     (ii) must have the same qualifications as specified for the commissioner in 13-37-107;
     (iii) with respect to only the specific matter from which the commissioner is recused, has the same authority, duties, and responsibilities as the commissioner would have absent the recusal; and
     (iv) may not exercise any powers of the office that are not specifically related to the matter for which the deputy is appointed.
     (5) The appointment of the deputy is effectuated by a contract between the commissioner and the deputy. The contract must specify the deputy's term of appointment, which must be temporary, the matter assigned to the deputy, the date on which the matter assigned must be concluded by the deputy, and any other items relevant to the deputy's appointment, powers, or duties.

     History: En. 23-4786 by Sec. 11, Ch. 480, L. 1975; amd. Sec. 63, Ch. 365, L. 1977; R.C.M. 1947, 23-4786(1), (13), (17), (21); amd. Sec. 230, Ch. 571, L. 1979; amd. Sec. 4, Ch. 401, L. 2001; amd. Sec. 7, Ch. 479, L. 2005; amd. Sec. 2, Ch. 407, L. 2007.