701.343. Duties of the department.
Duties of the department.
701.343. The department of health and senior services shall have thefollowing duties regarding the childhood lead testing program:
(1) By January 1, 2002, the department shall develop an educationalmailing to be sent to every physician licensed by and practicing in thisstate informing such physician of the childhood lead testing program andthe responsibilities of physicians pursuant to such program;
(2) The department of health and senior services shall, by January 1,2002, develop guidelines, educational materials and a questionnaire to beused by physicians to determine whether pregnant women are at high risk andshould be tested for lead poisoning;
(3) The department shall apply for, take all steps necessary toqualify for and accept any federal funds made available or allottedpursuant to any federal act or program for state lead poisoning preventionprograms;
(4) The director of the department of health and senior services orthe director's designee may, subject to appropriations, contract with apublic agency or a university, or collaborate with any agencies,individuals or groups to provide necessary services, develop educationalprograms, scientific research and organization, and interpret data fromlead testing reports;
(5) The department shall promulgate such rules as may be necessary;and
(6) Beginning January 1, 2003, and every January first thereafter,the department of health and senior services shall submit a reportevaluating the childhood lead testing program as set forth in sections701.340 to 701.349 to the governor and the following committees of theMissouri legislature: senate appropriations committee, senate publichealth and welfare committee, house appropriations - health and mentalhealth committee and house public health committee.
(L. 2001 S.B. 266)