701.336. Department to cooperate with federal government--information to be provided to certain persons--lead testing of children, strategy to increase number.
Department to cooperate with federal government--information to beprovided to certain persons--lead testing of children, strategy toincrease number.
701.336. 1. The department of health and senior services shallcooperate with the federal government in implementing subsections (d) and (e)of 15 U.S.C. 2685 to establish public education activities and an informationclearinghouse regarding childhood lead poisoning. The department may developadditional educational materials on lead hazards to children, lead poisoningprevention, lead poisoning screening, lead abatement and disposal, and onhealth hazards during abatement.
2. The department of health and senior services and the department ofsocial services, in collaboration with related not-for-profit organizations,health maintenance organizations, and the Missouri consolidated health careplan, shall devise an educational strategy to increase the number of childrenwho are tested for lead poisoning under the Medicaid program. The goal of theeducational strategy is to have seventy-five percent of the children whoreceive Medicaid tested for lead poisoning. The educational strategy shall beimplemented over a three-year period and shall be in accordance with allfederal laws and regulations.
3. The division of family services, in collaboration with the departmentof health and senior services, shall regularly inform eligible clients of theavailability and desirability of lead screening and treatment services,including those available through the early and periodic screening, diagnosis,and treatment (EPSDT) component of the Medicaid program.
(L. 1993 S.B. 232 § 19, A.L. 2004 H.B. 1453)