701.035. Local regulations and standards, requirements--private right to action not preempted.
Local regulations and standards, requirements--private right to actionnot preempted.
701.035. Sections 701.025 to 701.059 shall not prohibit theenforcement of ordinances of political subdivisions establishinga system for the regulation and inspection of on-site sewagedisposal contractors and a minimum code of standards for design,construction, materials, operation and maintenance of on-sitesewage disposal systems, for the transportation and disposal ofwastes therefrom and for on-site sewage disposal systemsservicing equipment, provided such ordinance establishes a systemat least equal to state regulation and inspection. Nor shallsections 701.025 to 701.059 be interpreted so as to preempt anyprivate right of action which might otherwise exist. Nothing insections 701.025 to 701.059 shall be construed to prohibit apolitical subdivision from enacting and enforcing standards whichare more stringent than the provisions of sections 701.025 to701.059 and rules promulgated pursuant thereto.
(L. 1986 H.B. 1101 § 6, A.L. 1994 S.B. 446)