660.370. Definitions.
660.370. As used in sections 660.370 to 660.374, unless the contextrequires otherwise, the following words and terms shall mean:
(1) "Community action agency", a not-for-profit corporation which hasauthority under its charter and bylaws to receive funds to administercommunity action programs and which was officially designated as a communityaction agency or a community action program under the provisions of federallaw Section 210 of the Economic Opportunity Act of 1964 for fiscal year 1981,unless such community action agency or a community action program lost itsdesignation pursuant to the aforementioned act as a result of failure tocomply with the provisions of such act;
(2) "Community action program", a community based and operated programwhich includes an intake assessment and referral capability in each of itscounties and is designed to include a number of projects or components toprovide a range of services and activities having* a measurable andpotentially major impact on causes and conditions of poverty in the communityor those areas of the community where poverty is a particularly acute problem. These services and activities may include, but are not limited to, activitiesdesigned to provide opportunities for eligible persons to:
(a) Secure and retain meaningful employment;
(b) Attain an adequate education;
(c) Make better use of available income;
(d) Obtain and maintain adequate housing and suitable livingenvironment;
(e) Obtain emergency assistance through grants to meet immediate andurgent individual and family needs, including the need for health services,nutritious food, housing and employment related assistance;
(f) Maximize the role community action agencies play in supportivemechanisms available to Missouri families;
(g) Remove obstacles and solve problems which block the achievement ofself-sufficiency;
(h) Achieve greater participation in the affairs of the community; and
(i) Make more effective use of other programs.
(L. 1984 S.B. 564 § 1)*Word "have" appears in original rolls.