660.260. Investigations of reports of eligible adults, department procedures.
Investigations of reports of eligible adults, department procedures.
660.260. Upon receipt of a report, the department shallmake a prompt and thorough investigation to determine whether ornot an eligible adult is facing a likelihood of serious physicalharm and is in need of protective services. The department shallprovide for any of the following:
(1) Identification of the eligible adult and determinationthat the eligible adult is eligible for services;
(2) Evaluation and diagnosis of the needs of eligibleadults;
(3) Provision of social casework, counseling or referral tothe appropriate local or state authority;
(4) Assistance in locating and receiving alternative livingarrangements as necessary;
(5) Assistance in locating and receiving necessaryprotective services; or
(6) The coordination and cooperation with other stateagencies and public and private agencies in exchange ofinformation and the avoidance of duplication of services.
(L. 1980 S.B. 576 § 3, A.L. 1987 S.B. 277)