660.020. Caseload standards.
Caseload standards.
660.020. 1. The director shall develop caseload standards based onthe actual duties of employees in each program area of the department,after considering recommendations of the caseload standards advisorycommittee, established pursuant to section 660.021, and consistent withexisting professional caseload standards.
2. In establishing standards pursuant to sections 660.019 to 660.021,the director shall:
(1) Ensure the standards are based on the actual duties of thecaseworker;
(2) Ensure the standards are consistent with existing professionalcaseload standards; and
(3) Consider standards developed by other states for workers insimilar positions of employment.
3. Such standards shall be used by the director as the basis of thedepartment's personnel budget request to the governor.
4. If an employee has failed to satisfactorily complete assignmentsthat are in excess of specified caseload standards, good faith efforts tocomplete such assignments shall be among the factors considered in theemployee's performance evaluation.
5. Subject to appropriations, the department shall use the standardsestablished pursuant to sections 660.019 to 660.021 to assign caseloads toindividual employees.
(L. 1999 S.B. 387, et al. § 2)