660.010. Department of social services created--divisions and agencies assigned to department--duties, powers--director's appointment.
Department of social services created--divisions and agenciesassigned to department--duties, powers--director's appointment.
660.010. 1. There is hereby created a "Department of SocialServices" in charge of a director appointed by the governor, byand with the advice and consent of the senate. All the powers,duties and functions of the director of the department of publichealth and welfare, chapters 191 and 192, RSMo and others, notpreviously reassigned by executive reorganization plan number 2of 1973 as submitted by the governor under chapter 26, RSMo,except those assigned to the department of mental health, aretransferred by type I transfer to the director of the departmentof social services and the office of the director, department ofpublic health and welfare is abolished. The department of publichealth and welfare is abolished. All employees of the departmentof social services shall be covered by the provisions of chapter36, RSMo, except the director of the department and hissecretary, all division directors and their secretaries, and nomore than three additional positions in each division which maybe designated by the division director.
2. It is the intent of the general assembly in establishingthe department of social services, as provided herein, toauthorize the director of the department to coordinate thestate's programs devoted to those unable to provide forthemselves and for the rehabilitation of victims of socialdisadvantage. The director shall use the resources provided tothe department to provide comprehensive programs and leadershipstriking at the roots of dependency, disability and abuse ofsociety's rules with the purpose of improving service andeconomical operations. The department is directed to take allsteps possible to consolidate and coordinate the field operationsof the department to maximize service to the citizens of thestate.
3. All the powers, duties and functions of the division ofwelfare, chapters 205, 207, 208, 209, and 210, RSMo, and others,are transferred by type I transfer to the "Division of FamilyServices" which is hereby created in the department of socialservices. The director of the division shall be appointed by thedirector of the department. All references to the division ofwelfare shall hereafter be construed to mean the division offamily services of the department of social services.
4. All the powers, duties and functions of the board ofnursing home administrators, chapter 344, RSMo, are transferredby type I transfer to the department of social services. Thepublic members of the board shall be appointed by the director ofthe department.
5. The state's responsibility under public law 452 of theeighty-eighth Congress and others, pertaining to the Office ofEconomic Opportunity, is transferred by type I transfer to thedepartment of social services.
6. The state's responsibility under public law 73, OlderAmericans Act of 1965, of the eighty-ninth Congress istransferred by type I transfer to the department of socialservices.
7. All the powers, duties and functions vested by law in thecurators of the University of Missouri relating to crippledchildren's services, chapter 201, RSMo, are transferred by type Itransfer to the department of social services.
8. All the powers, duties and functions vested in the stateboard of training schools, chapter 219, RSMo, and others, aretransferred by type I transfer to the "Division of YouthServices" hereby authorized in the department of social servicesheaded by a director appointed by the director of the department.The state board of training schools shall be reconstituted as anadvisory board on youth services, appointed by the director ofthe department. The advisory board shall visit each facility ofthe division as often as possible, shall file a written reportwith the director of the department and the governor onconditions they observed relating to the care and rehabilitativeefforts in behalf of children assigned to the facility, thesecurity of the facility and any other matters pertinent in theirjudgment. Copies of these reports shall be filed with thelegislative library. Members of the advisory board shall receivereimbursement for their expenses and twenty-five dollars a dayfor each day they engage in official business relating to theirduties. The members of the board shall be provided withidentification means by the director of the division permittingimmediate access to all facilities enabling them to makeunannounced entrance to facilities they wish to inspect.
(L. 1973 1st Ex. Sess. S.B. 1 § 13, A.L. 1982 S.B. 717, A.L. 1986 S.B. 426)*Originally section 13 of the Reorganization Act of 1974, Appendix B