650.277. Fees for inspection, permits, licenses, and certificates, amount determined by board--boiler and pressure vessels safety fund established.
Fees for inspection, permits, licenses, and certificates, amountdetermined by board--boiler and pressure vessels safety fundestablished.
650.277. 1. As otherwise provided by sections 650.200 to 650.295,the boiler and pressure vessel board shall set fees for inspection,permits, licenses, and certificates required by sections 650.200 to650.295. Fees shall be determined by the board to provide sufficient fundsfor the operation of the board and shall be set by rule or regulationpromulgated in accordance with the provisions of section 536.021, RSMo.The board may alter the fee schedule once every two years. Any fundscollected pursuant to sections 650.200 to 650.295 shall be deposited in the"Boiler and Pressure Vessels Safety Fund", which is hereby created.Beginning July 1, 2003, moneys in the fund shall be appropriated from thefund for the expenses of the board. A municipality or other politicalsubdivision enforcing the provisions of sections 650.200 to 650.295 andwhich performs the inspections, permitting, licensing, and certification asrequired, the fee for such inspection shall be paid directly to themunicipality or political subdivision and shall not be preempted bysections 650.200 to 650.295, except that any fee established by the boardfor the issuance of appropriate state certificates shall be paid to theboard.
2. Any rule or portion of a rule, as that term is defined in section536.010, RSMo, that is created under the authority delegated in thissection or under the authority of sections 650.210 to 650.275 shall becomeeffective only if it complies with and is subject to all of the provisionsof chapter 536, RSMo, and, if applicable, section 536.028, RSMo. Thissection and chapter 536, RSMo, are nonseverable and if any of the powersvested with the general assembly pursuant to chapter 536, RSMo, to review,to delay the effective date or to disapprove and annul a rule aresubsequently held unconstitutional, then the grant of rulemaking authorityand any rule proposed or adopted after August 28, 2002, shall be invalidand void.
(L. 2002 S.B. 795)