650.265. Inspection report, filed with chief inspector, when--inspection records, how maintained--annual statement, filed, where, fee--inspection certificate, suspended, reinstated, when.
Inspection report, filed with chief inspector, when--inspectionrecords, how maintained--annual statement, filed, where,fee--inspection certificate, suspended, reinstated, when.
650.265. 1. Each company employing special inspectors,except a company operating pressure vessels covered by owner oruser inspection service meeting the requirements of subsection 1of section 650.245, shall, within thirty days following eachcertificate inspection made by the inspectors, file a report ofthe inspection with the chief inspector upon appropriate forms aspromulgated by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure VesselInspectors. The filing of reports of external inspections shallnot be required except when the inspections disclose that theboiler or pressure vessel is in a dangerous condition. If thereport filed pursuant to this subsection indicates that theboiler or pressure vessel is found to comply with the applicablerules and regulations, the owner or user shall pay a fee inaccordance with the fee schedule adopted pursuant to theprovisions of subsection 1 of section 650.275, and an inspectioncertificate shall be issued indicating the date of the inspectionand the maximum pressure under which the boiler or pressurevessel may be operated.
2. Each company operating pressure vessels covered by owneror user inspection service meeting the requirements of subsection1 of section 650.245 shall maintain in its files an inspectionrecord which shall list, by number and such abbreviateddescription as may be necessary for identification, each pressurevessel covered by sections 650.200 to 650.290, the date of thelast inspection of each such unit, and for each pressure vesselthe approximate date for the next inspection thereof arrived atby applying the appropriate rules therefor to all data availableat the time the inspection record is compiled. The inspectionrecord shall be readily available for examination by the chiefinspector or his authorized representative during business hours.Each such company shall, in addition, file annually with thechief inspector a statement, signed by the engineer havingsupervision over the inspections made during the period coveredthereby, stating the number of vessels covered by sections650.200 to 650.290 inspected during the year and certifying thateach inspection was conducted pursuant to the inspectionstandards provided for by sections 650.200 to 650.290. Theannual statement shall be accompanied by a filing fee inaccordance with the fee schedule adopted pursuant to theprovisions of subsection 1 of section 650.275.
3. No inspection certificate issued for an insured boiler orpressure vessel based upon a report of a special inspector shallbe valid after the boiler or pressure vessel for which it wasissued shall cease to be insured by a company duly authorized bythis state to provide the insurance.
4. The director or his authorized representative may at anytime suspend an inspection certificate when, in his opinion, theboiler or pressure vessel for which it was issued cannot beoperated without menace to the public safety, or when the boileror pressure vessel is found not to comply with the rules andregulations formulated by the board. Each suspension of aninspection certificate shall continue in effect until the boileror pressure vessel has been made to conform to the rules andregulations of the board, and until the inspection certificatehas been reinstated.
(L. 1984 H.B. 1060 § 15, A.L. 1990 S.B. 493 & 520)