650.260. Inspections, how conducted, when, by whom--director and inspectors, access to premises, when, duties--test, when, fee.
Inspections, how conducted, when, by whom--director and inspectors,access to premises, when, duties--test, when, fee.
650.260. 1. The director, the chief inspector, or anyspecial deputy inspector shall have free access, duringreasonable hours, to any premises in the state where a boiler orpressure vessel is being constructed, or is being installed, forthe purpose of ascertaining whether the boiler or pressure vesselis being constructed and installed in accordance with theprovisions of sections 650.200 to 650.290.
2. Each boiler and pressure vessel used or proposed to beused within this state, except boilers or pressure vessels exemptunder section 650.230, shall be thoroughly inspected as to theirconstruction, installation and condition as follows:
(1) Power boilers and high pressure, high temperature waterboilers shall receive a certificate inspection annually and shallalso be externally inspected annually while under pressure ifpossible;
(2) Low pressure steam, hot water heating and hot watersupply boilers shall receive a certificate of inspectionbiennially;
(3) Pressure vessels subject to internal corrosion shallreceive a certificate inspection biennially;
(4) Pressure vessels not subject to internal corrosion shallreceive a certificate inspection at intervals set by the board,but internal inspection shall not be required of pressurevessels, the contents of which are known to be noncorrosive tothe material of which the shell, heads or fittings areconstructed, either from the chemical composition of the contentsor from evidence that the contents are adequately treated with acorrosive inhibitor, provided that the vessels are constructed inaccordance with the rules and regulations of the board;
(5) Nuclear vessels within the scope of sections 650.200 to650.290 shall be inspected and reported in such form and withsuch appropriate information as the board shall designate;
(6) A grace period of two months beyond the periodsspecified in subdivisions (1), (2), (3) and (4) of thissubsection may elapse between certificate inspections;
(7) The board may, in its discretion, permit longer periodsbetween certificate inspections;
(8) Under the provisions of sections 650.200 to 650.290, theboard is responsible to provide for the safety of life, limb andproperty and therefore has jurisdiction over the interpretationand application of the inspection requirements as provided for inthe rules and regulations which it has promulgated. Inspectionduring construction and installation shall certify as to theminimum requirements for safety as defined in the constructioncodes. Inspection requirements of operating equipment shall bein accordance with generally accepted practice and compatiblewith the actual service conditions, such as:
(a) Previous experience, based on records of inspection,performance and maintenance;
(b) Location, with respect to personnel hazard;
(c) Quality of inspection and operating personnel;
(d) Provision for related safe operation controls;
(e) Interrelation with other operations outside the scope ofsections 650.200 to 650.290.
3. The inspections required in this section shall be made bythe chief inspector, by a deputy inspector, or by a specialinspector provided for in sections 650.200 to 650.290.
4. If at any time a test is deemed necessary for a statedcause by an inspector, it shall be made by the owner or user ofthe boiler or pressure vessel in the presence of and under thesupervision of the inspector. A fee in accordance with the feeschedule adopted pursuant to the provisions of subsection 1 ofsection 650.275, shall be charged for such supervision.
5. All boilers except cast iron sectional boilers, andpressure vessels to be installed in the state after thetwelve-month period from the date upon which the rules andregulations of the board become effective shall be inspectedduring construction as required by the applicable rules andregulations of the board by an inspector authorized to inspectboilers and pressure vessels in this state, or, if constructedoutside of the state, by an inspector holding a commission issuedby the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors.
(L. 1984 H.B. 1060 § 14, A.L. 1990 S.B. 493 & 520)