650.100. Definitions.
650.100. As used in this chapter, the following words shall have thefollowing meanings unless a different meaning clearly appears from thecontext:
(1) "Central repository", is the location where all DNA samplescollected from individuals defined in section 650.055 will be maintainedand analyzed; where all authorized DNA profiles uploaded to the state'sdatabase will be maintained; and from where all authorized DNA profileswill be uploaded to the national DNA database;
(2) "CODIS", the Federal Bureau of Investigation's Combined DNA IndexSystem that allows the storage and exchange of DNA records submitted byfederal, state, and local DNA crime laboratories. The term "CODIS"includes the National DNA Index System administered and operated by theFederal Bureau of Investigation;
(3) "Crime laboratory", a laboratory operated or supportedfinancially by the state or any unit of city, county, or other localMissouri government that employs at least one scientist, who examinesphysical evidence in criminal matters and provides expert or opiniontestimony with respect to such physical evidence in a state court of law;
(4) "Department", the Missouri department of public safety;
(5) "DNA", deoxyribonucleic acid. DNA is located in the cells andprovides an individual's personal genetic blueprint. DNA encodes geneticinformation that is the basis of human heredity and forensicidentification;
(6) "DNA profile" refers to the collective results of all DNAidentification analyses on an individual's DNA sample;
(7) "DNA record", the DNA identification information stored in thestate DNA database or CODIS. The DNA record is the result obtained fromthe DNA analysis. The DNA record is comprised of the characteristics of aDNA sample, which are of value in establishing the identity of individuals,the DNA profile as well as data required to manage and operate the state'sDNA database, to include the specimen identification number;
(8) "DNA sample", a biological sample provided by any person withrespect to offenses covered by section 650.055 or submitted to the Missouristate highway patrol crime laboratory pursuant to sections 650.050 to650.100 for analysis or storage or both;
(9) "Forensic DNA analysis", the identification and evaluation ofbiological evidence in criminal matters using DNA technologies;
(10) "Local funds", any funds not provided by the federal government.
(L. 1979 S.B. 202 § 1, A.L. 2004 S.B. 1000, A.L. 2006 S.B. 1023, A.L. 2008 S.B. 733)