644.143. Commission to establish groundwater remediation procedures, criteria for procedures.
Commission to establish groundwater remediation procedures, criteriafor procedures.
644.143. Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary,the clean water commission shall establish procedures for determiningwhether remediation of groundwater, based on risk to human health and theenvironment, is appropriate for any particular site. The procedures formaking such determination shall be made by rule and shall consider thefollowing:
(1) Impacts of the groundwater contamination on any public or privatewater supply for drinking water;
(2) Likelihood that the contaminated groundwater will be a suitablepublic or private water supply based on its potability, background chemicalconstituents, or other factors not relating to the contamination;
(3) Impact of the groundwater contamination on any natural spring, orany water which contributes to a natural spring, which is recognized forits recreational or aesthetic value and located in a state park, nationalpark, conservation area, or any area protected by a conservation easement;
(4) The appropriateness of natural attenuation and other methods toremediate the groundwater contamination; and
(5) Any other scientific factors the commission deems relevant.
(L. 1999 S.B. 334)