644.101. Certain drinking water and water pollution projects, state may provide assistance.
Certain drinking water and water pollution projects, state may provideassistance.
644.101. The state may provide assistance, as funds are available,pursuant to this chapter, to any county, municipality, public waterdistrict, public sewer district, or any combination of the same, or anyentity eligible pursuant to the Safe Drinking Water Act, as amended, or theClean Water Act, as amended, to assist them in the construction of publicdrinking water and water pollution control projects as authorized by theclean water commission. The state may provide assistance pursuant to thischapter, including but not limited to the purchase of water and/orwastewater revenue or general obligation bonds, bonds of any county,instrumentality of the state, state entity, municipality, public sewerdistrict, public water district, community water system, nonprofitnoncommunity water system or any combination of the same, or any entityeligible pursuant to the Safe Drinking Water Act, as amended, or the CleanWater Act, as amended. Further, the state may provide additionalassistance or subsidies to any eligible entity as described in this sectionin the form of principal forgiveness, negative interest loans, grants, orany combination thereof, to the extent allowed by the American Recovery andReinvestment Act of 2009, as enacted by the 111th United States Congress,and within the process provided by the Missouri Constitution and revisedstatutes of the state of Missouri.
(L. 1972 S.B. 424, A.L. 1973 S.B. 259, S.B. 321, A.L. 1982 S.B. 646, A.L. 1987 H.B. 497, A.L. 1991 S.B. 185, A.L. 1993 H.B. 566, A.L. 1998 H.B. 1161, A.L. 2000 S.B. 741, A.L. 2009 H.B. 661)*Transferred 1986; formerly 204.101
Effective 7-07-09