640.665. Energy set-aside program fund.
Energy set-aside program fund.
640.665. 1. The state treasurer shall establish, maintain, andadminister a special trust fund to be administered by the department and tobe known as the "Energy Set-aside Program Fund", from which applicants asdetermined by the department may seek and obtain loans and financialassistance. The department shall determine which applicants shall obtainloans or financial assistance as provided in sections 640.651 to 640.686.
2. All moneys duly authorized and appropriated by the generalassembly, all moneys received from federal funds, gifts, bequests,donations or any other moneys so designated, all moneys received pursuantto sections 640.651 to 640.686, and all interest earned on and incomegenerated from moneys in the fund shall be paid to and deposited in theenergy set-aside program fund.
3. All principal deposits, as authorized in subsection 2 of thissection, and all repayments of loans as specified in subsection 6 ofsection 640.660, to the energy set-aside program fund shall be available tobe issued and reissued for loans and financial assistance as authorized bysections 640.651 to 640.686. After appropriation from the generalassembly, the department may expend any fees or interest earned on theenergy set-aside program fund for the administration of the department'senergy responsibilities and activities.
4. The commissioner of administration shall disburse such moneys fromthe fund at such times as are authorized by the department.
5. Except as otherwise provided in sections 640.651 to 640.686, theprovisions of section 33.080, RSMo, requiring the transfer of unexpendedfunds to the general revenue fund of the state shall not apply to funds inthe energy set-aside program fund.
(L. 1995 H.B. 414, A.L. 2001 S.B. 451)