640.415. State water resource plan to be established for use of surface and ground water--annual report, contents--powers of department.
State water resource plan to be established for use of surface andground water--annual report, contents--powers of department.
640.415. 1. The department shall develop, maintain andperiodically update a state water plan for a long-range,comprehensive statewide program for the use of surface water andgroundwater resources of the state, including existing and futureneed for drinking water supplies, agriculture, industry,recreation, environmental protection and related needs. Thisplan shall be known as the "State Water Resources Plan". Thedepartment shall collect data, make surveys, investigations andrecommendations concerning the water resources of the state asrelated to its social, economic and environmental needs.
2. The department shall establish procedures to ensurepublic participation in the development and revision of the statewater plan.
3. The department shall submit a report to the generalassembly at least one year prior to the submission of the statewater resources plan. The report shall specify the majorcomponents of the plan, and may recommend any statutory revisionwhich may be necessary to implement the requirements of thissection. The plan shall be submitted to the general assembly forapproval or disapproval by concurrent resolution.
4. The department may:
(1) Require such reports from groundwater and surface waterusers and other state agencies as may be necessary; and
(2) Conduct investigations and cooperate or contract withagencies of the United States, agencies or political subdivisionsof this state, public or private corporations, associations orindividuals on any matter relevant to the administration ofsection 192.300, RSMo, sections 640.100, 640.120, and 640.400 to640.435.
(L. 1989 S.B. 112, et al. § 6)