640.240. Minority and underrepresented environmental literacy program established--recruitment and retention scholarship fund created--purpose--administration--rules authorized--minority environmental
Minority and underrepresented environmental literacy programestablished--recruitment and retention scholarship fundcreated--purpose--administration--rules authorized--minorityenvironmental literacy advisory committee created, members,duties.
640.240. 1. There is hereby established within the division ofenvironmental quality a "Minority and Underrepresented EnvironmentalLiteracy Program". The department of natural resources, hereafter referredto as the department, may award scholarships to minority andunderrepresented students to pursue environmentally related courses ofstudy. The scholarships shall be administered by the division ofenvironmental quality recruitment and retention program under thesupervision of the minority environmental literacy advisory committeeestablished under this section. Those ethnic groups which are mostseverely underrepresented, as determined by data gathered and maintained bythe National Academy of Sciences, shall receive priority in annualselection.
2. For the purpose of increasing the number of minority andunderrepresented students, as determined by the National Academy ofSciences, who are enrolled in environmentally related courses of study,there is hereby created a "Recruitment and Retention Scholarship Fund".Any unexpended balance in the recruitment and retention scholarship fundshall not be subject to biennial transfer pursuant to the provisions ofsection 33.080, RSMo. All interest earned on funds in the recruitment andretention scholarship fund shall accrue to the fund.
3. The general assembly may appropriate funds to the department forthe purpose of funding scholarships as authorized by this section. Suchfunds shall be from general revenue, special fees administered by thedepartment, federal funding sources, gifts or donations, provided that suchfunds may be used for this purpose. All sums received for this purposeshall be placed in the state treasury and credited to the recruitment andretention scholarship fund.
4. The department shall accept, receive and administer grants orother funds, gifts or donations from the public and individuals, includingthe federal government, for the purpose of funding scholarships under thissection. Such funds shall be deposited in the recruitment and retentionscholarship fund.
5. The department shall promulgate rules to administer thescholarship program, which shall include qualifications, application forms,annual filing deadlines, and scholarship amounts.
6. The scholarship program shall be directed toward students in thefollowing areas of study:
(1) Engineering students pursuing undergraduate and graduate degreesin civil, chemical, mechanical, or agricultural engineering;
(2) Environmental sciences students pursuing undergraduate andgraduate degrees in geology, biology, wildlife management, planning,natural resources, or a closely related course of study;
(3) Chemistry students pursuing undergraduate and graduate degrees inthe field of environmental chemistry; and
(4) Law enforcement students pursuing undergraduate and graduatedegrees in environmental law enforcement.
7. There is hereby created a "Minority Environmental LiteracyAdvisory Committee", hereafter referred to as the committee, to becomprised of:
(1) The director of the department of natural resources or thedirector's designee, who will serve as chairperson of the committee;
(2) Three representatives of universities and colleges. Theuniversity and college representatives shall each be appointed by theaffirmative action office of the respective institution;
(3) The commissioner of higher education or the commissioner'sdesignee;
(4) Five at-large members appointed by the governor, with the adviceand consent of the senate, who shall be high school teachers and collegeprofessors and who shall be selected to represent the various regions ofthe state;
(5) The state affirmative action officer.
8. The committee shall meet at least annually, at a time and place tobe determined by the chairperson, to select students to receivescholarships from applications filed with the division of environmentalquality retention and recruitment program. The members appointed by thegovernor shall be reimbursed for their actual and necessary expenses.
9. Colleges and universities described in this section shall includepublic community colleges.
(L. 1996 S.B. 805)