640.155. Energy information, defined--confidentiality--penalty for disclosure.
Energy information, defined--confidentiality--penalty for disclosure.
640.155. 1. Any energy information which is voluntarilyreported or conveyed to the Missouri department of naturalresources shall be considered confidential and shall be exemptupon written request and for a specific period to be determinedby mutual consent from public disclosure that would revealinformation traceable to a private firm, partnership, publiccorporation, or individual.
2. As used in this section, the term "energy information"includes that information received in whatever form on the fuelreserves, exploration, extraction, production, refining,distribution, consumption, costs, prices, capital investments,and other matters directly related to a private firm,partnership, public corporation, or individual.
3. In addition to any other penalty provided by law, anyofficer or employee of the department of natural resources who,in violation of the provisions of this section, divulges anyinformation considered confidential under this section shall beguilty of a class A misdemeanor, and such divulgence shall begrounds for the summary dismissal of such officer or employee,other provisions of law notwithstanding.
(L. 1980 H.B. 1180 § 1)