640.105. Commission established, members appointed--organization--reimbursement for expenses.
Commission established, members appointed--organization--reimbursementfor expenses.
640.105. 1. The "Safe Drinking Water Commission" is herebyestablished within the department of natural resources and shallbe composed of nine persons. All members of the commission shallbe representative of the general interest of the public or ofpublic water systems. Nine members shall be appointed by thegovernor with the advice and consent of the senate. Four membersshall be associated with the operation of public water systems,one of which shall be associated with a water system serving apopulation of seventy-five or less, one of which shall beassociated with a water system serving a population greater thanseventy-five but not more than two thousand five hundred, one ofwhich shall be associated with a water system serving apopulation greater than two thousand five hundred and less thanone hundred thousand, and one of which shall be associated with awater system serving a population of more than one hundredthousand; and five members shall represent the water consumingpublic. All members shall have demonstrated an interest andknowledge about water quality, and, to the greatest extentpossible, the various associations representing water suppliersof the size classes referred to in this section shall berepresented on the commission. All members shall be qualified byinterest, education, training or experience to provide, assessand evaluate scientific and technical information concerningdrinking water, financial requirements and the effects of thepromulgation of standards, rules and regulations.
2. At the first meeting of the commission, and at yearlyintervals thereafter, the members shall select from amongthemselves a chairman and a vice chairman. The commission shallhold at least four regular meetings each year and such additionalregular meetings as the chairman deems desirable. Specialmeetings may be called by the chairman or by the director of thedepartment of natural resources. Five members shall constitute aquorum. The members' terms shall be four years and until theirsuccessors are selected and qualified, except that of theoriginal members appointed, four members shall serve a term oftwo years and five members shall serve a term of four years.Thereafter, all members appointed shall serve a term of fouryears. There is no limitation on the number of terms a membermay serve. If a vacancy occurs, the governor, with the adviceand consent of the senate, may appoint a member for the remainingportion of the unexpired term created by the vacancy.
3. The members of the commission shall be reimbursed fortravel and other actual and necessary expenses incurred in theperformance of their duties.
(L. 1978 S.B. 509 § 192.185, A.L. 1992 H.B. 1393)