640.078. Federal Clean Water Act and federal Safe Drinking Water Act, tax refunds in violation of--department of natural resources to identify other appropriated funds to department for transfer to th
Federal Clean Water Act and federal Safe Drinking Water Act,tax refunds in violation of--department of natural resourcesto identify other appropriated funds to department for transferto the state general revenue fund.
640.078. 1. If a refund mandated under article X, section 18, of theMissouri Constitution from the following funds:
(1) The water and wastewater loan fund established pursuant tosection 644.122, RSMo;
(2) The water pollution permit fee subaccount of the naturalresources protection fund established in section 640.220;
(3) The water and wastewater loan revolving funds; or
(4) Any fund established by the office of administration for the solepurpose of receiving and distributing state match bond proceeds for thedepartment of natural resources' state revolving fund programs establishedpursuant to the federal Clean Water Act, the federal Safe Drinking WaterAct, or any federal regulation authorized under either federal act,
would violate the federal Clean Water Act, the federal Safe Drinking WaterAct, or any federal regulation authorized under either federal act, thedepartment of natural resources shall identify an equal amount from otherfunds appropriated to the department.
2. The commissioner of administration shall transfer the fundsidentified by the department, that would otherwise be transferred from thefunds identified in subsection 1 of this section, to the state generalrevenue fund for any refund that occurs after August 28, 2004.
(L. 2004 H.B. 980 §1)