640.035. Environmental control--conservation programs--department's duty to maintain records, content.
Environmental control--conservation programs--department's duty tomaintain records, content.
640.035. For any program relating to environmental control and theconservation and management of natural resources assigned to the departmentof natural resources or any division thereof, if the department maintainsrecords of site inspections and violations of statutes, rules, or the termsor conditions of any permit by any entity subject to regulation by suchprogram, the department shall also maintain records of compliance with suchstatutes, rules, or terms or conditions of any permit, and shallspecifically record in such records any actions taken by the entity subjectto regulation by the program that are above and beyond what is minimallyrequired for compliance if the entity provides written notification of suchaction to the department at or before the time of the inspection.
(L. 1998 H.B. 1161)Effective 6-9-98