630.717. Alcohol and drug abuse facilities and programs exempt--fire, safety standards compliance--report to general assembly.
Alcohol and drug abuse facilities and programs exempt--fire, safetystandards compliance--report to general assembly.
630.717. 1. Any residential facility or day program whichprovides services exclusively to those persons affected byalcohol or drug abuse shall be exempt from licensure rulespromulgated by the department.
2. Any residential facility or day program which offersservices, treatment or rehabilitation to persons affected byalcohol or drug abuse shall submit to the department adescription of the services, treatment or rehabilitation which itoffers, a statement of whether each facility or program isrequired to meet any fire-safety standards of a municipality,political subdivision of the state, and documentation ofcompliance with such standards, if they apply.
3. The department shall survey all such facilities andprograms and shall prepare a report for submission to the generalassembly of actions necessary to bring such facilities andprograms in compliance with fire-safety standards developed bythe department for certification. The report shall be filed withthe speaker of the house and the president pro tem of the senateby January 1, 1983.
4. Failure of a facility or program to submit informationrequested by the department and required by this section shalldisqualify such facility or program from receiving departmentcertification or funding until such information is submitted.
(L. 1980 H.B. 1724)