630.550. Centralized supply warehouses established, costs--mental health central supply fund, created, administered--charges, operation of fund.
Centralized supply warehouses established, costs--mental healthcentral supply fund, created, administered--charges, operation offund.
630.550. 1. The director of the department of mental healthmay for the benefit of the department or its facilities establishand operate or contract for the operation of centralized supplywarehouses. Such warehouses may be department-wide or regionaland may provide medical supplies, medicine and drugs, food,office, maintenance, or janitorial supplies, or other types ofsupplies used by the department. All costs related to theoperation of such warehouses, except for the actual cost ofsupply commodities, shall be paid out of moneys appropriated tothe department of any facility operated by the department.
2. There is hereby created in the state treasury for use bythe department of mental health a fund to be known as "The MentalHealth Central Supply Fund". Moneys deposited in the fund shallbe appropriated to the director of the department of mentalhealth to be used for purchasing supply commodities, includingthe purchase price and related shipping and handling charges.The fund shall consist of moneys appropriated by the generalassembly for starting the fund and moneys deposited pursuant tosubsection 4 of this section. The provisions of section 33.080,RSMo, notwithstanding, moneys in the fund shall not lapse, unlessand then only to the extent to which the unencumbered balance atthe close of any fiscal year exceeds one-sixth of the totalamount appropriated, paid or transferred to the fund during suchfiscal year.
3. Supply commodities shall be issued from the centralwarehouses to the director of the department of mental health andto facilities operated by such department. The director shallestablish procedures for determining the amount to be charged forsupply commodities issued from such warehouses. The amountcharged shall be regulated to adjust actual costs for inventoryobsolescence, spoilage, loss or other damage to commodities andfor any cost adjustments including refunds and reimbursementsreceived from supply vendors.
4. Charges for supply commodities issued shall be paid outof moneys appropriated to the department of mental health orfacilities operated by such department. The director shalldeposit moneys derived from such charges and any receipts fromsupply vendors, including refunds and reimbursements, in thestate treasury to the credit of the mental health central supplyfund.
5. The director of the department of mental health shalladminister the fund and shall determine the amount of money to bemaintained in the fund necessary for cash flow requirements.Amounts charged for supply commodities may be adjusted toregulate this fund balance.
(L. 1987 H.B. 871)