625.021. Functions and duties of division--overseas offices authorized.
Functions and duties of division--overseas offices authorized.
625.021. The division shall foster and encourage industrial,commercial, agricultural, recreational and resource developmentprograms designed to broaden and strengthen the economy of thestate and shall provide specific leadership in the followinginstances, among others, and shall:
(1) Encourage the location of new industrial and commercialenterprises in the state and the expansion of industries nowexisting within the state by appropriate legitimate methods;
(2) Support and assist the efforts of the state, regionaland local development corporations, industrial committees,chambers of commerce, labor organizations and other similarpublic and private agencies to obtain new, and foster theexpansion of existing, industrial, commercial, agricultural andrecreational facilities or enterprises;
(3) Investigate, assemble, develop and study, or cause tohave investigated, assembled, developed and studied, allpertinent information regarding the industrial opportunities andpossibilities of the state of Missouri and its economic resourcesand the particular sections thereof, including raw materials andproducts that may be produced therefrom, power and waterresources, transportation facilities and rates available, marketsand the marketing limitations of the state, the availability oflabor, the availability of industrial sites, the advantages ofthe state as a whole, and the particular sections thereof, asindustrial locations, and such other fields of research and studyas the director may deem necessary;
(4) Formulate and maintain coordinated plans for the state'seconomic and resource development in order to promote theeconomic welfare of the people of the state. The plans shallinclude description of the development objectives and a statementof recommended means for achieving such objectives. The plans,insofar as practical and desirable, shall be coordinated withcity, county or regional planning programs, with nationalplanning and with the planning of other states;
(5) Investigate, study and undertake ways and means topromote and develop markets for industrial products and topromote the industrial use of agricultural and mineral forestproducts;
(6) Encourage the development of recreational areas in thestate and encourage the traveling public to visit Missouri;
(7) Encourage the formation of local and sectionaldevelopment committees throughout the state and make available tosuch committees and to municipalities, communities, otherpolitical subdivisions of the state, private groups,organizations, associations and agencies such facts, data andinformation as may be useful and desirable in their efforts toencourage the location of industries and commercial enterpriseswithin this state, and in other ways to cooperate with thedivision in carrying out the purposes of this chapter;
(8) Assist in the formulation and development of a moreintensive program to aid and expand the mining industry inMissouri;
(9) Provide advice and assistance to Missouri business andlabor and bring to the attention of the governor such significantproblems as may be relieved by state action;
(10) Perform such other related acts as shall be, in thejudgment of the director, necessary and proper to carry out theobjectives of the division; and
(11) Establish offices overseas for the promotion and exportof Missouri agricultural and manufactured products, for thepromotion of commerce through the ports and internationalairports of Missouri, to encourage economic development, and topromote tourism into Missouri and encourage the use by touristsof Missouri's recreational facilities.
(L. 1961 p. 240 § 7, A.L. 1973 H.B. 865)*Transferred 1986; formerly 255.021
Foreign market development, department of agriculture, RSMo 261.095