622.617. Records not open to public--penalty for divulging confidential information.
Records not open to public--penalty for divulging confidentialinformation.
622.617. Notwithstanding any provisions of section 386.480, RSMo, tothe contrary, no information furnished to the division by a motor carrier,corporation or person, including the division staff, except such matters asare specifically required to be open to public inspection by the provisionsof chapter 386, 387 or 390, RSMo, or this chapter, shall be open to publicinspection or made public except on order of the division director or by anadministrative law judge in the course of a hearing or proceeding. Anyofficer or employee of the division who, in violation of the provisions ofthis section, divulges any such information is guilty of a misdemeanor.
(L. 1996 S.B. 780 § 9)