622.340. Intervention by a party, when, subpoena of witnesses--report of division's investigation depositions--extension of time for compliance with order--record of proceedings.
Intervention by a party, when, subpoena of witnesses--report ofdivision's investigation depositions--extension of time forcompliance with order--record of proceedings.
622.340. 1. At the time fixed for any hearing before the division oran administrative law judge, or the time to which the same may have beencontinued, the complainant and the carrier, corporation or person which isthe subject of the complaint, and such carriers, corporations and personsas the division may allow to intervene, shall be entitled to be heard andto introduce evidence. The division shall issue process to enforce theattendance of all necessary witnesses.
2. Whenever an investigation shall be made by the division, it shallbe its duty, to make a report in writing in respect thereto, which shallstate the conclusions of the division, together with its decision, order orrequirement in the premises. The division or any administrative law judgeor any party may, in any investigation or hearing before the division,cause the deposition of witnesses residing within or without the state tobe taken in the manner prescribed by law for like depositions in civilactions in the circuit courts of this state and to that end may compel theattendance of witnesses and the production of books, waybills, documents,papers, memoranda and accounts. Witnesses whose depositions are taken asprovided in this section and the officer taking the same shall severally beentitled to the same fees as are paid for like services in the circuitcourts of this state.
3. If an order cannot, in the judgment of the division, be compliedwith within thirty days, the division may grant and prescribe suchadditional time as in its judgment is reasonably necessary to comply withthe order, and may, on application and for good cause shown, extend thetime for compliance fixed in its order.
4. A full and complete record shall be made of all proceedings beforethe division or any administrative law judge on any formal hearing had, andall testimony shall be taken down by a reporter appointed by the division,and the parties shall be entitled to be heard in person or by attorney.Preparation of a printed transcript may be waived by unanimous consent ofall the parties.
(L. 1996 S.B. 780)