621.025. Acting commissioner, when appointed--compensation.
Acting commissioner, when appointed--compensation.
621.025. If a commissioner during his term of office becomestemporarily incapacitated by illness or otherwise to perform theduties of his office, the governor shall appoint some person toperform the duties of the office during the incapacity of thecommissioner. The person appointed shall have all the powers andduties of the office and shall possess all of the qualificationsof the office except that he may continue in the private practiceof law but shall not practice during this period before anyagency mentioned in section 621.045 nor in connection withmatters with which any of the agencies are involved. He shallreceive the remuneration provided for the office of commissionerduring the time which he serves.
(L. 1965 p. 277 § 2)*Transferred 1984; formerly 161.262