620.556. Definitions.
620.556. As used in sections 620.552 to 620.574 the following termsmean:
(1) "Corps" and "youth corps", the Missouri youth service andconservation corps;
(2) "Division", the division of job development and training within thedepartment of economic development;
(3) "Participant", a person who has been hired, or who has been acceptedas a volunteer, and who meets the program eligibility criteria established bysections 620.552 to 620.574;
(4) "Private industry council", the private industry councilsestablished pursuant to the Job Training Partnership Act, Public Law 97-300,as amended, or any other succeeding administrative body established bysubsequent federal legislation to provide for the local administration andexpenditure of funding for employment and job training and approved by thedivision of job training and development;
(5) "Project", an undertaking designed to provide or assist in providingservices to promote conservation, public health, education and welfare amongthe general population. The term includes, but is not limited to:
(a) The rehabilitation of substandard housing;
(b) The repair, restoration and maintenance of public facilities andamenities;
(c) Assistance with the organization and delivery of educational andhealth services;
(d) Assistance for the elderly homebound;
(e) Delivery of food to the hungry and elderly;
(f) Restoration or development of park facilities;
(g) Trail construction and maintenance;
(h) Litter control;
(i) Land and soil conservation and rehabilitation;
(j) Road repair;
(k) Land reclamation;
(l) Reforestation; and
(m) Other undertakings which benefit the control, management,restoration and conservation of the bird, fish, game, forestry, or wildliferesources, and soil or water resources of this state;
(6) "Project sponsor", state agencies, including the departments ofelementary and secondary education, social services, labor and industrialrelations, conservation, and natural resources and the University of Missouriextension system; any unit of local government, including school districts;private not-for-profit corporations or organizations; administrative entitiesdesignated pursuant to the requirements of the Job Training Partnership Actand any subsequent amendments; and community-based organizations.
(L. 1990 H.B. 1653 § 15)