620.513. Duties of the board, report--limitation on authority.
Duties of the board, report--limitation on authority.
620.513. 1. The board shall assist the governor with the functionsdescribed in Section 111(d) of the WIA 29 U.S.C. 2821d and any regulationsissued pursuant to the WIA.
2. The board shall submit an annual report of its activities to thegovernor, the speaker of the house of representatives, and the presidentpro tem of the senate no later than January thirty-first of each year.
3. Nothing in sections 620.511 to 620.513 shall be construed torequire or allow the board to assume or supersede the statutory authoritygranted to, or impose any duties or requirements on, the state coordinatingboard for higher education, the governing boards of the state's publiccolleges and universities, the state board of education, or any localeducational agencies.
(L. 2007 1st Ex. Sess. H.B. 1)Effective 11-28-07