620.483. Division of job development and training, criteria--private industry council manual--centralized member orientation session--worker adjustment services--minimum expenditure requirements, job
Division of job development and training, criteria--private industrycouncil manual--centralized member orientation session--workeradjustment services--minimum expenditure requirements, job trainingpartnership act.
620.483. 1. The division of job development and trainingof the department of economic development and the privateindustry council, also referred to as PIC, located within eachservice delivery area, also referred to as SDA, as authorized bysection 102 of the Job Training Reform Amendments of 1992, P.L.102-367, shall adhere to the criteria in this section in order tomore effectively enhance the state's job training efforts.
2. The division, with the advice and counsel of theMissouri training and employment council, shall develop a privateindustry council manual to provide a standardized, writtenintroduction for new PIC members which explains the fundamentalparts of the Job Training Partnership Act, the role of theprivate industry councils in fulfilling their statutoryobligations, and to serve as a skill-building instrument in whichPIC members can assume an effective leadership role.
3. Once a year, the division, in conjunction with theMissouri training and employment council, shall conduct acentralized PIC member orientation session. The session, open toall current PIC members, will provide training in the basicprograms funded through the Job Training Partnership Act, thestructure of the service delivery system, and training in federaland state work force development initiatives.
4. In accordance with section 101 of the Job TrainingPartnership Act, as amended, the Missouri training and employmentcouncil may make recommendations to the governor for theredesignation of service delivery areas.
5. Pursuant to section 302(c) of the federal Job TrainingPartnership Act, special state rapid response programs or workeradjustment services will be initiated by the division. Suchactivities may be conducted by state and local program operatorsand reviewed regularly by the division for performance andfunding consideration.
6. A quorum of the full membership of each private industrycouncil shall officially meet at least once every three months.A quorum shall not be deemed to be present unless at least fiftypercent of the private sector appointees are in attendance.
7. Pursuant to section 302(c)(2) of the federal JobTraining Partnership Act, ten percent discretionary funds may beretained by the division until at least six months into eachprogram year. Such funds shall then be allocated to servicedelivery areas that have experienced recent layoffs.
8. Each private industry council shall immediately informthe division of job development and training whenever any vacancyoccurs on the PIC or when the term of a member has expired.Positions on private industry councils whose members' terms haveexpired and who are not replaced within ninety days shall beconsidered as vacant.
9. The division of job development and training isauthorized to establish a minimum expenditure requirement forfunds allocated to the service delivery areas under the JobTraining Partnership Act. Adjustments to service delivery areaallocations may be made on subsequent program year funding whenunderexpenditure occurs. This expenditure requirement shall bein addition to the federal requirement that in each program yeareighty-five percent of federal Job Training Partnership Act fundsare obligated by each service delivery area.
(L. 1994 H.B. 1248 & 1048 § 15)