620.1200. Missouri film commission established--members--terms--compensation, reimbursement--duties--recommendations submitted, when.
Missouri film commission established--members--terms--compensation,reimbursement--duties--recommendations submitted, when.
620.1200. 1. There is hereby established the "Missouri FilmCommission" to advise the director of the department of economicdevelopment on the promotion of the development of film production andfacilities in Missouri.
2. The commission shall be composed of nine members as follows:
(1) Two members shall be a state senator appointed in a bipartisanmanner by the president pro tem of the senate;
(2) Two members shall be a state representative appointed in abipartisan manner by the speaker of the house; and
(3) Five members, who have knowledge and experience with the motionpicture industry, shall be appointed by the director of the department ofeconomic development.
3. The members of the board appointed by the director shall beappointed to serve terms of three years; except that, of the members firstappointed, two shall be appointed for a term of three years, two shall beappointed for a term of two years and one shall be appointed for a one-yearterm. Any legislative member shall serve only as long as such person holdssuch legislative office. The legislative members shall serve during theircurrent term of office but may be reappointed.
4. The members of the commission shall receive no compensation forserving on the commission but shall be reimbursed for their actual andnecessary expenses incurred in the performance of their official duties.
5. The commission shall provide oversight and guidance to thedirector of the department of economic development in administering theoffice of the Missouri film commission, established in section 620.1210.The commission shall make recommendations to the governor and the generalassembly on:
(1) The removal of barriers so that film production in Missouri maybe more easily promoted; and
(2) The development of state incentives to attract private investmentin film production in the state.
6. The commission shall submit its recommendations by January firstof each year, beginning January 1, 1998.
(L. 1996 H.B. 1237 § 2)