Chapter 610 Governmental Bodies and Records
- 610.010. Definitions.
- 610.011. Liberal construction of law to be public policy.
- 610.015. Votes, how taken.
- 610.020. Notice of meetings, when required--recording of meetings to be allowed, guidelines, penalty--accessibility of meetings--minutes of meetings to be kept, content--voting records to be included.
- 610.021. Closed meetings and closed records authorized when, exceptions, sunset dates for certain exceptions.
- 610.022. Closed meetings, procedure and limitation--public records presumed open unless exempt--objections to closing meetings or records, procedure.
- 610.023. Records of governmental bodies to be in care of custodian, duties--records may be copied but not removed, exception, procedure--denial of access, procedure.
- 610.024. Public record containing exempt and nonexempt materials, nonexempt to be made available--deleted exempt materials to be explained, exception.
- 610.025. Electronic transmission of messages relating to public business, requirements.
- 610.026. Fees for copying public records, limitations--fee money remitted to whom--tax, license or fee as used in Missouri Constitution article X, section 22, not to include copying fees.
- 610.027. Violations--remedies, procedure, penalty, purposeful violations--validity of actions by governing bodies in violation--governmental bodies may seek interpretation of law, attorney general to
- 610.028. Legal defense of members of governmental bodies, when--written policy on release of information required--persons reporting violations exempt from liability and discipline.
- 610.029. Governmental agencies to provide information by electronic services, contracts for public records databases, requirements, electronic services defined--division of data processing may be cons
- 610.030. Injunctive relief authorized.
- 610.032. Executive agency disclosure of closed records, purpose, procedure--executive agency defined.
- 610.035. State entity not to disclose Social Security number, exceptions.
- 610.100. Definitions--arrest and incident records shall be available to public--closed records, when--record redacted, when--access to incident reports, record redacted, when--action for disclosure of
- 610.103. Criminal background check completed without fee, when.
- 610.105. Effect of nolle pros--dismissal--sentence suspended on record--not guilty due to mental disease or defect, effect--official records available to victim in certain cases.
- 610.106. Suspended sentence prior to September 28, 1981, procedure to close records.
- 610.110. Failure to recite closed record excused--exceptions.
- 610.115. Penalty.
- 610.120. Records to be confidential--accessible to whom, purposes.
- 610.122. Arrest record expunged, requirements.
- 610.123. Procedure to expunge, supreme court to promulgate rules--similar to small claims.
- 610.124. Destruction of arrest records--removal from all electronic files--FBI requested to expunge--protest to expungement, procedure.
- 610.125. Failure to comply with expungement order, penalty--knowingly using expunged record for gain, penalty.
- 610.126. Expungement does not deem arrest invalid--department of revenue may retain records necessary for administrative actions on driver's license--power to close or expunge record, limitation.
- 610.150. "911" telephone reports inaccessible, exceptions.
- 610.200. Law enforcement agency log or record of suspected crimes, accidents or complaints, available for inspection and copying.
- 610.225. Tax credit records and documents deemed closed records, when--request for opening records and documents, requirements, fee authorized.