595.200. Definitions.
595.200. The following words as used in sections 595.200 to595.215 shall have the following meanings, unless the contextotherwise requires:
(1) "Crime", an act which would constitute a violation ofany criminal statute including any act which may result in anadjudication of delinquency;
(2) "Custodial authority", the chief administrative officeror official in charge of a municipal detention facility, a countyjail, a correctional facility operated by the department ofcorrections, a mental health facility or the division of youthservices or any agency thereof;
(3) "Disposition", the sentencing or determination ofpenalty or punishment to be imposed upon a person convicted of acrime or found delinquent or against whom a finding of sufficientfacts for conviction or finding of delinquency is made;
(4) "Family member", a spouse, child, sibling, parent,grandparent or legal guardian of a victim;
(5) "Restitution", money or services which a court orders adefendant to pay or render to a victim as part of thedisposition;
(6) "Victim", a natural person who suffers direct orthreatened physical, emotional or financial harm as the result ofthe commission or attempted commission of a crime. The term"victim" also includes the family members of a minor, incompetentor a homicide victim;
(7) "Witness", any person who has been or is expected to besummoned to testify for the prosecution whether or not any actionor proceeding has yet been commenced. The term "witness" shallinclude persons employed in the administration of criminaljustice who are testifying in the course of their employment,except that such persons shall not be entitled to any witnessfees.
(L. 1986 H.B. 873 & 874 § 12, A.L. 1993 S.B. 19)