590.040. Minimum hours of basic training required.
Minimum hours of basic training required.
590.040. 1. The POST commission shall set the minimum number ofhours of basic training for licensure as a peace officer no lower than fourhundred seventy and no higher than six hundred, with the followingexceptions:
(1) Up to one thousand hours may be mandated for any class of licenserequired for commission by a state law enforcement agency;
(2) As few as one hundred twenty hours may be mandated for any classof license restricted to commission as a reserve peace officer with policepowers limited to the commissioning political subdivision;
(3) Persons validly licensed on August 28, 2001, may retain licensurewithout additional basic training;
(4) Persons licensed and commissioned within a county of the thirdclassification before July 1, 2002, may retain licensure with one hundredtwenty hours of basic training if the commissioning political subdivisionhas adopted an order or ordinance to that effect;
(5) Persons serving as a reserve officer on August 27, 2001, within acounty of the first classification or a county with a charter form ofgovernment and with more than one million inhabitants on August 27, 2001,having previously completed a minimum of one hundred sixty hours oftraining, shall be granted a license necessary to function as a reservepeace officer only within such county. For the purposes of thissubdivision, the term "reserve officer" shall mean any person who serves ina less than full-time law enforcement capacity, with or without pay andwho, without certification, has no power of arrest and who, withoutcertification, must be under the direct and immediate accompaniment of acertified peace officer of the same agency at all times while on duty; and
(6) The POST commission shall provide for the recognition of basictraining received at law enforcement training centers of other states, themilitary, the federal government and territories of the United Statesregardless of the number of hours included in such training and shall haveauthority to require supplemental training as a condition of eligibilityfor licensure.
2. The director shall have the authority to limit any exceptionprovided in subsection 1 of this section to persons remaining in the samecommission or transferring to a commission in a similar jurisdiction.
3. The basic training of every peace officer, except agents of theconservation commission, shall include at least thirty hours of training inthe investigation and management of cases involving domestic and familyviolence. Such training shall include instruction, specific to domesticand family violence cases, regarding: report writing; physical abuse,sexual abuse, child fatalities and child neglect; interviewing children andalleged perpetrators; the nature, extent and causes of domestic and familyviolence; the safety of victims, other family and household members andinvestigating officers; legal rights and remedies available to victims,including rights to compensation and the enforcement of civil and criminalremedies; services available to victims and their children; the effects ofcultural, racial and gender bias in law enforcement; and state statutes.Said curriculum shall be developed and presented in consultation with thedepartment of health and senior services, the division of family services,public and private providers of programs for victims of domestic and familyviolence, persons who have demonstrated expertise in training and educationconcerning domestic and family violence, and the Missouri coalition againstdomestic violence.
(L. 2001 H.B. 80, A.L. 2005 H.B. 353, A.L. 2007 H.B. 41)