578.405. Citation of law--definitions.
Citation of law--definitions.
578.405. 1. Sections 578.405 to 578.412* shall be known andmay be cited as "The Animal Research and Production FacilitiesProtection Act".
2. As used in sections 578.405 to 578.412*, the followingterms mean:
(1) "Animal", every living creature, domestic or wild, butnot including Homo sapiens;
(2) "Animal facility", any facility engaging in legalscientific research or agricultural production or involving theuse of animals, including any organization with a primary purposeof representing livestock production or processing, anyorganization with a primary purpose of promoting or marketinglivestock or livestock products, any person licensed to practiceveterinary medicine, any organization involved in the productionof pet food or pet food research, and any organization with aprimary purpose of representing any such person, organization, orinstitution. The term shall include the owner, operator, andemployees of any animal facility and the offices and vehicles ofany such persons while engaged in duties related to the animalfacility, and any premises where animals are located;
(3) "Director", the director of the department ofagriculture.
(L. 1992 S.B. 498 §§ 1, 2)*Sections "1 to 6" appear in original rolls. Sections were renumbered when bill was amended.