578.387. Director of department of social services, attorney general--investigative powers--improper disclosure of information, penalty.
Director of department of social services, attorneygeneral--investigative powers--improper disclosure ofinformation, penalty.
578.387. 1. For the purpose of any investigation orproceeding relating to public assistance unlawfully received oran application for public assistance unlawfully tendered, thedirector of the department or any officer designated by himand/or the attorney general for the state of Missouri or anyofficer designated by him may administer oaths and affirmations,subpoena witnesses, compel their attendance, take testimony,require answers to written interrogatories and require productionof any books, papers, correspondence, memoranda, agreements orother documents or records which the director of the departmentand/or the attorney general deem relevant and material to theinquiry.
2. In the case of contumacy by, or refusal to obey asubpoena issued to, any person, the circuit court of any countyof the state or the city of St. Louis, upon application by thedepartment director and/or the attorney general may issue to theperson an order requiring him to appear before the departmentdirector, or the officer designated by him, and/or the attorneygeneral, or the officer designated by him, there to producedocumentary evidence if so ordered or to give testimony or answerinterrogatories touching the matter under investigation or inquestion in accordance with the forms and procedures otherwiseauthorized by the Rules of Civil Procedure. Failure to obey theorder of the court may be punished by the court as a contempt ofcourt.
3. Information or documents obtained under this section bythe director of the department and/or the attorney general shallnot be disclosed except in the course of civil or criminallitigation or to another prosecutorial or investigative agency,or to the divisions of the department.
4. Anyone improperly disclosing information obtained underthis section is guilty of a class A misdemeanor.
5. The provisions of this section do not repeal existingprovisions of law and shall be construed as supplementarythereto.
(L. 1987 S.B. 259 § 7)