578.310. Bombs and explosives placed in or near bus or terminal--threat to commit offense--discharging firearms or hurling missiles--penalties.
Bombs and explosives placed in or near bus or terminal--threat tocommit offense--discharging firearms or hurling missiles--penalties.
578.310. 1. It is unlawful for any person at any time tobomb or to plant or place any bomb or other explosive matter orthing in, upon, or near any terminal or bus, wherein a person orpersons are located or being transported, or where there is beingstored, or shipped or prepared for shipment, any goods, wares,merchandise or anything of value. Any person who violates theprovisions of this subsection shall be guilty of a class Afelony.
2. It is unlawful for any person to threaten to commit theoffense defined in subsection 1 of this section. Any personconvicted of threatening to commit the offense defined insubsection 1 shall be guilty of a class C felony.
3. It is unlawful to discharge any firearm or hurl anymissile at, or into and/or upon any bus, terminal, or othertransportation facility. Any person who violates the provisionsof this subsection shall be guilty of a class B felony.
(L. 1982 S.B. 519 § 3)