578.305. Bus hijacking, definition, penalty--assault with intent to commit bus hijacking, penalty, with a deadly weapon, penalty--possession and concealment of deadly weapon by passenger, penalty, exc
Bus hijacking, definition, penalty--assault with intent to commit bushijacking, penalty, with a deadly weapon, penalty--possession andconcealment of deadly weapon by passenger, penalty, exception.
578.305. 1. The offense of "bus hijacking" is defined asthe seizure or exercise of control, by force or violence orthreat of force or violence, of any bus within the jurisdictionof this state. Bus hijacking shall be a class B felony.
2. The offense of "assault with the intent to commit bushijacking" is defined as an intimidation, threat, assault orbattery toward any driver, attendant or guard of a bus so as tointerfere with the performance of duties by such person. Assaultto commit bus hijacking shall be a class C felony.
3. Any person, who, in the commission of such intimidation,threat, assault or battery with the intent to commit bushijacking, employs a dangerous or deadly weapon or other meanscapable of inflicting serious bodily injury shall, uponconviction, be guilty of a class A felony.
4. Any passenger who boards a bus with a dangerous or deadlyweapon or other means capable of inflicting serious bodily injuryconcealed upon his person or effects is guilty of the felony of"possession and concealment of a dangerous or deadly weapon" upona bus. Possession and concealment of a dangerous and deadlyweapon by a passenger upon a bus shall be a class C felony. Theprovisions of this subsection shall not apply to duly elected orappointed law enforcement officers or commercial securitypersonnel who are in possession of weapons used within the courseand scope of their employment; nor shall the provisions of thissubsection apply to persons who are in possession of weapons orother means of inflicting serious bodily injury with the consentof the owner of such bus, or his agent, or the lessee or baileeof such bus.
(L. 1982 S.B. 519 § 2)